Community Event - Sarnia - An Afternoon of Music
Concert presented by the Bluewater Chordsmen
Concert presented by the Bluewater Chordsmen
In memory of Jack Fraser (11th anniversary), his memory is as dear today as in the hour he passed away, Love Donna, Myrna, Brenda & brother-in-law, Gordon
Le dimanche 24 juin : Fête de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste. Billets:
Le samedi 12 mai à 18 h : festin de bières. 35,40 $ + TVH (40 $). Achat avant le 7 mai.
Le samedi 28 avril de 13 h à 17 h : cours d'autodéfense pour adultes. 20,35 $ + TVH (23 $). Achat requis avant le 25 avril. Billets:
Le samedi 14 avril à 18 h : souper à la cabane. Adultes 15,05 $ + TVH (17 $) / Enfants de 12 ans et moins 7,52 $ + TVH (8,50 $). Achat requis avant le 9 avril. Billets:
Every Saturday, 8:30pm-close, a fantastic group, "BRAND X", playing all your favorites. Come out and meet new friends. Great music, great people, great times. Info call 519-253-1834.
Dancing to music either with a DJ or live music
Christ Church Chatham, 80 Wellington St, W, Chatham, ON presents Tina Pumfrey in Concert. Saturday, May 5th – 7:00 pm (doors open 6:30 pm)
Light Refreshments to follow. Suggested Admission price - $10.00
Tina will be available to sign cd’s after the performance.