Community Event - Chatham - Your Rights as a Permanent Resident

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1524087000 1524090600

Newcomers and Immigrants: Learn about your rights as a permanent resident. Apr.18th @17:30-18:30pm @ Adult Language and Learning.240 King St. W. For info 519-354-7424.

Adult Language and Learning
240 King Street W.
N7M 1E7

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Volunteers Needed for Homeless Survey 2018

Submitted by wjenner-0 on
1522296000 1522382340

In order to increase understanding and awareness of homelessness within Windsor and Essex County, the Homeless Coalition of Windsor Essex County, supported by the City of Windsor, is announcing a Point in Time Count event to be held April 17 & 18, 2018.

The Homeless Coalition of Windsor Essex is looking for volunteers to help with an upcoming survey and count of individuals and families experiencing homelessness. The program, which involves more than 60 communities across the country is called the “Point-in-Time Count of Homelessness.” In the past, individual cities and towns conducted their own surveys and counts using different methods, which made it difficult to get a clear snapshot, but this coordinated count will allow each community, using standardized methods, to gather both national and community-specific information about each unique individual and/or family who is experiencing homelessness. 

The plan will also assist participating communities, such as Windsor Essex County, in identifying how many local residents are experiencing homelessness, while also giving greater understanding to the challenges being faced by those experiencing homelessness. This information is invaluable to creating a community-wide and collaborative response to ending homelessness within our community.   

“A Point in Time Count is an exciting step forward for us; using the knowledge gained from the surveys, it will allow us, as a responsive community, to create a plan of action tailored to our community. Every survey and every volunteer who assists is helping us get one step closer to eradicating homelessness in Windsor Essex County.” -  Angela Yakonich, Community Developer, Homeless Coalition Windsor Essex

Windsor’s survey will take place Tuesday, April 17 and Wednesday, April 18, 2018. Participants will follow a common methodology to identify and enumerate local residents who are sleeping in shelters, on the streets and/or in other public locations. There are three survey time slots to pick from, and volunteers are encouraged to choose more than one:

  • Tuesday, April 17: 3PM –7PM
  • Tuesday, April 17: 8PM –11PM
  • Wednesday, April 18: 6AM –9AM

All volunteers will receive mandatory training, and they will work in teams and alongside staff of many different Homeless Coalition Membership agencies.

For more information or to register and show your interest in supporting those in our community experiencing homelessness, please visit Point in Time Count 2018, or go to and search Point in Time Count 2018, or contact 211 and ask about Point in Time Count volunteering.

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada's Homelessness Partnering Strategy.

Community Event - Sarnia - Women of the Moose --Friday Night Supper

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1523048400 1523055660

Friday Night Supper   April 6, 2018  HAM AND SCALLOP POTATO SUPPER  served from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p,m. at the MOOSE HOME, 874 Phillip Street, Sarnia

Moose Home
874 Phillip Street
N7T 1Z6

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Science City - A Dinner Celebrating Science

Submitted by wjenner-0 on
1522296000 1522382340

Science City is holding its Earth Day Dinner this year on Friday evening, April 20, 2018, at Fogolar Furlan Windsor, 1800 North Service Road, Windsor. This is the 12th annual “FUNdraiser” for Canada South Science City.

Tickets for the dinner are, $50 for adults and $35 for children up to age 12, may be purchased online at Tickets for tables of 8 sell for $350. Tax receipts can be issued for the eligible portion of the adult price. Silent auction items and a cash bar will be available, and awards for a poster & poetry contest will be made. Doors open at 6:30 PM and a buffet meal is served at 7pm. For further information, please call 519-973-3667, email , or visit 

Community Event - Chatham - Dental Hygiene for Children

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1523482200 1523485800

Newcomers and Immigrants: Learn about to tips to promote good oral care for children. Apr.11th @5:30-6:30pm @ Adult Language and Learning. 240 King St. W. Chatham. For more info 519-354-7424.

Adult Language and Learning
240 King Street W.
N7M 1E7

Community Event - Chatham - Electronic Travel Authorization

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1522877400 1522881000

Newcomers and Immigrants: Learn about how to apply for eTA and the cost of it. Apr. 4th @5:30-6:30pm @ Adult Language and Learning. 240 King St. W. Chatham. For more info 519-354-7424.

Adult Language and Learning
240 King Street W.
N7M 1E7

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Mapleridge Recreation Centre Trunk/Plant Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1526731200 1526745600

Spring is the perfect time to clear out that storage area.  Maybe share a trunk with a friend or family.  $20 a parking spot   $35 for 2 parking spots.  $10 table rental first come, first serve. 

Mapleridge Garden Club selling outdoor plants at unbelievable great prices.  Homemade baked goods for sale. BBQ to purchase burger or peameal on a bun.  All proceeds go towards Mapleridge Recreation. 

Contact Heather if interested in renting a parking spot:  705-742-1481 or 


Mapleridge Recreation Centre
1085 Brealey Drive
K9K 0C1
Peterborough Ontario

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Art Excellence Awards

Submitted by wjenner-0 on
1524888000 1524974340

The Town of Essex is looking to celebrate Essex County artists. Submit a work that depicts your dedication to your craft for a chance to win one of three cash prizes.

“The Art Excellence Awards are open to all residents of Essex County,” says Arts, Culture and Tourism Committee Chairperson Peter Youngson. “Our goal is to raise awareness of the arts in our community. Not only do artists contribute to the local economy, they also make our communities more vibrant and livable. These awards will highlight and celebrate local artists who help to better our communities.”

The submission deadline is Monday, May 28. All mediums will be accepted, including dance, sculpture, painting, and music. For ease of submission, photographs, images, video, or digital recordings may be submitted with the application form found on the Town of Essex website.


Three awards ranked first, second and third are available through this program. Prizes are as follows:

·         First Place: $1,000

·         Second Place: $650

·         Third Place: $350

Additional details and rules can be found online at Telephone inquiries may be directed to the Essex Recreation Complex at 519-776-8992.

Awards will be determined through a juried process. Winners will be announced at a public exhibition to be during the Essex Fun Fest, July 5-8.

The Art Excellence Awards are a project of the Arts, Culture and Tourism (ACT) Committee. The function of the committee is to advise council on arts and culture matters and to assist with actively promoting, developing and supporting arts and culture initiatives.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - The 44th UoW Film Festival & CMF Gala

Submitted by wjenner-0 on
1522296000 1522382340

April 15, doors open 6:30pm and show starts 7pm at The Chrysler Theatre. Tickets, $10 General Admission. Tickets will be sold at the Chrysler Theatre Box Office, and ONLINE at 

For more information email


Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Bridge Rehab on Tecumseh Rd. E.

Submitted by wjenner-0 on
1522641600 1522727940

From April 3-August 8, Tecumseh Road East will be reduced to one lane in each direction at the bridge over Little River Drain (east of Lauzon Road).  Access to all area businesses in the construction zone will be maintained. For more information on construction and detours Call 311.