Événement communautaire - Saint-Georges - Centre-Dieu l’Ami

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1523277000 1523287800

Centre-Dieu l’Ami situé au 2e étage de Place Centre-Ville à St-Georges, vous invite  à une vente de livres usagés

(Spiritualité et biographie) et ce, à bas prix, du lundi 9 Avril au jeudi 12 Avril 2018 inc.  

Entre 9h30 à 11h30 et de  13h00 à 16h00. Bienvenue à tous. Info.(418) 228-7545

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Bridgenorth Angel concert with the Mitchell Family

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1525647600 1525656600

  Tarnished Angels Concert with
                                              "SONGS TO REALLY MOVE THE SPIRIT”  
    The Mitchell Family with
 Mark this date on your calendar folks! This will be a night of fun, laughter and Music, you won’t want to miss!  This year’s spring concert is spiced up by the talented energetic music and dance by the Mitchell family. You will have your feet a tappen and your hands a clappin!  This is a fund raiser concert for Bridgenorth United, and we want you ALL to come out to support the cause.  Bring all your friends too....it is going to be a fun night! The donation fee of $10.00, received at the door, provides church and community support.

Bridgenorth United Church
832 Charles St.
K0L 1H0

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Bridgenorth United Best Beef dinner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1523737800 1523745000

With seatings from 4.30 to 6.30pm, the people of Bridgenorth United Church invite you to their Best Beef Dinner, again providing their traditional hot roast beef dinner with all the trimmings including their famous home made pies. This is an ‘all you can eat’ event for the low price of $15 per person, $7 for children 5 to 13years, and free for children 4 and under. Tickets are available at the church or Bell’s Garage on Ward Street in Bridgenorth, or at the door. Reservations may be made by calling 705-292-9601. For those unable to join us at the table, you may take your dinner home in a take-out tray.

Bridgenorth United Church
832 Charles St
K0L 1H0

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Canalside Players present 'Bare Bear Bones'

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1523660400 1523669400

Canalside Players of Welland present the comedy 'Bare Bear Bones', a story of love, communication and camping!  Show dates are Apr 13, 14, 20 and 21 at 7pm and Apr 15 at 2pm at the Welland Community Wellness Centre 145 Lincoln St. Welland.  Ticket prices are $15 for Wellness Centre members and $17 for non-members.

Once you purchase your tickets, you can decide what date and time to attend.

For tickets, call the Wellness Centre at 905-735-1700 ext

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Relay For Life Peterborough 2018

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1527973200 1528038000

Cancer Changes Everything. So Can You.

Relay is more than just a walk and more than just a fundraising event for the Canadian Cancer Society. Relay is a place where you can come and talk safely and openly about cancer and feel all the feelings that come with those conversations. We are creating a community at Relay that is united by cancer and all that it brings with it. Relay is different from other charity events. We come together as strangers and leave as friends who have made a difference in the fights against cancer. Whether you are cheering on survivors, walking the track, passing the baton to your teammate or joining in exciting trackside activities, Relay For Life is more that just a cancer walk - it's a journey.

Register NOW at www.relayforlife.ca


Kenner Collegiate
633 Monaghan Road
K9J 5J2

Community Event - Kingston - Shout Sister Concert

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1522018800 1522029600

Crossroads United Church presents a Fundraising Concert featuring Shout Sister Choir!


Sunday March 25th, 2018

Show at 7:00pm

Crossroads United Church, 690 Sir John A MacDonald Blvd

Cost:  $10.00

Crossroads United Church
690 Sir John A Blvd

Community Event - Chatham - SPAGHETTI DINNER

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1520913600 1520999940

Spaghetti Dinner at Voice of Triumph Church 135 Queen St. Chatham (across fro Library) on Sat. March 24. Spahetti,Garlic Bread,Dessert and Drink for $10.00

Voice of triumph Church
135 Queen St.

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Free Speaker Series for Parents & Educators

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1522101600 1522108800

Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth is pleased to welcome guest speaker Dr. Michael Ungar to Perth and District Collegiate Institute (13 Victoria St., Perth ON) on March 26th, 2018 from 6 pm to 8 pm to present I Still Love You: Nine Things Kids Need from their Parents, Caregivers, and Schools to Build Resilience.

This presentation is a story-filled event for parents, caregivers and educators that outline practical strategies to help young people of all ages heal. Based on material from his new book, I Still Love You, his clinical practice and his own research, Michael will share what families and schools have taught him about the power of unconditional love. This inspiring presentation will help you understand the importance of the everyday heroics that change children’s lives.       


About the speaker:

Dr. Michael Ungar is the founder and Director of the Resilience Research Centre and Canada Research Chair in Child, Family and Community Resilience at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada. He is the former Chair of the Nova Scotia Mental Health and Addictions Strategy and an executive board member of the American Family Therapy Academy. He has authored 14 books that have been translated into five languages, as well as more than 150 scientific papers. Dr. Ungar has adapted findings from his research and lessons learned from his clinical practice into best-selling works including: The Social Ecology of Resilience, Too Safe For Their Own Good: How Risk and Responsibility Help Teens Thrive and I Still Love You: Nine Things Troubled Kids Need from their Parents. You can find his blog, Nurturing Resilience on Psychology Today’s website.


At Open Doors for Lanark Children and Youth are pleased to be able to offer this speaker series free to the public. We encourage participants to help us support the mental and physical health of children and youth in our communities by bringing a non-perishable food item to be donated to the Lanark County Food Bank. 

For more information about the event please contact admincp@opendoors.on.ca


Perth and District Collegiate Institute
13 Victoria St
K7H 2H3