Community Event - Sarnia - Corunna Legion Br. 447

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1520186400 1520200800

Sunday March 4th, 2018

Register noon - 12:45pm, play at 1pm
$10 per person - All monies returned in prizes

Wheelchair Accessible, Food Available

Pre Register at the Bar

Royal Canadian Legion, Br. 447
Albert and Beckwith St
N0N 1G0

Événement communautaire - Montmagny - La FADOQ à la Cabane à sucre

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1522329300 1522360800

La Cabane à Pierre vous fera revivre la véritable tradition québécoise. La récolte de l’eau d’érable est réalisée selon la méthode d’antan avec chalumeau et seau.
La transformation de l’eau d’érable en sirop s’effectue dans la cabane à sucre traditionnel chauffé au bois.
Le temps des sucres à la Cabane à Pierre, c’est L’Animation musicale assurée par nos chansonniers-musiciens. Venez chanter et danser avec vos amis;
Un véritable festin du temps des sucres servi aux tables, à volonté: soupe au pois du montagnard, pain croûté de la paysanne, toasts sur le poêle, jambon au sucre du pays, fèves au lard du chantier, omelette soufflée de la fermière, saucisses de campagne, oreilles de crisse, pommes de terre fleuries, tourtière de la Beauceronne, ketchup aux fruits et marinades maison. Le dessert: crêpes au sirop d’érable, thé, café.
Une randonnée en traîneau tiré par un tracteur en après-midi. La possibilité de faire une randonnée en raquettes dans la forêt. La dégustation de tire sur la neige.

La Cabane à Pierre, 566, Rang 2,

Community Event - Sarnia - World Day of Prayer at Downtown Sarnia Church

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1520017200 1520019000

The World Day of Prayer, a global, ecumenical service, will be celebrated at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Sarnia on Friday, March 2.

All are welcome to the service that will be held at 2 p.m at the downtown Sarnia church, located at 261 North Christina Street, Sarnia. Refreshments and fellowship will follow the service.

St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
261 Christine Street N.
NN7T 5V4

Community Event - Sarnia - The Lenten Organ Series ends on Thursday

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1521734400 1521736200

March 22 –   William Lupton, Huron College, University of Western Ontario, London to perform at 12 noon at Central United, Sarnia in the last of six half-hour organ concerts.  All are welcome. The downtown Sarnia church is located at 220 George Street, corner of Brock and George.  A freewill donation is appreciated.

Central United Church
220 George Street
N7T 4N9

Community Event - Sarnia - St. Bart's Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1518559200 1518564600

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper. Tuesday February 13, 5:00 pm-6:30 pm. 718 Cathcart Blvd, Sarnia (across from Oak Acres Plaza.) This event is free of charge. 

The Church of Saint Bartholomew
718 Cathcart Blvd
N7V 2N5

Community Event - Sarnia - 2018 Lenten Organ Series on Thursday in Sarnia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1521129600 1521131400

March 15 – Foster Hill of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian, Sarnia at 12 noon at the 2018 Lenten Organ Series at Central United, Sarnia. All are welcome.  The downtown Sarnia church is located at 220 George Street, corner of Brock and George.  A freewill donation is appreciated.

Central United Church
220 George Street
N7T 4N9

Community Event - Sarnia - 2018 Lenten Organ Series on Thursday in Sarnia

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1520528400 1520614800

March 8 – David Greenslade of London at 12 noon at the 2018 Lenten Organ Series at Central United, Sarnia.  All are welcome.  The downtown Sarnia church is located at 220 George Street, corner of Brock and George.  A freewill donation is appreciated.

Central United Church
220 George Street
N7T 4N9

Community Event - Sarnia - Trumpet and Organ will sound at Thursday noon

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1519923600 1519968600

March 1 – Terry Head on organ and Ken Baldwin on trumpet  of St. Andrew’s United, London will perform at 12 noon at the third of six half-hour concerts at Central United, Sarnia. All are welcome at the historic downtown church, located at 220 George Street, corner of Brock and George.  A freewill donation is appreciated.

Central United Church
220 George Street
N7T 4N9

Community Event - Sarnia - Lenten Organ Series continues in Sarnia at 12 noon

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1519318800 1519320600

February 22 – Dr. Wayne Carroll, of St. Thomas, will perform at 12 noon at the second of six half-hour organ concerts at Central United, Sarnia.  All are welcome. Listen to the sounds of the season at this downtown church, located at 220 George Street, corner of Brock and George.  A freewill donation is appreciated.

Central United Church
220 George Street
N7T 4N9