Community Event - Sarnia - Roast Beef Dinner
Tickets: $15 (children under 12, free). Available by calling the church office at 519-383-6933 or at the door.
Tickets: $15 (children under 12, free). Available by calling the church office at 519-383-6933 or at the door.
TOPS offers helpful weight loss information and friendly support.
New to Lyme disease or know someone who has it? Join us for an information sharing session at Colasanti's Tropical Gardens and learn what you need to know about this debilitating illness. Our next meeting is on Wednesday, January 31st @ 6:30pm.
The trip has already been posted.
The Welland Eastdale Alumni will meet Thursday February 1st at 7 pm in the School library. Come out and get involved. Visi or call Barb at 905-735-3778.
At the Knights of Columbus Hall, 170 Ellls Avenue, Pembroke on Tuesday, February 13th. Starting at 5:00pm
Trivia Fundraiser for CNIB - visually impaired of Sarnia Lambton at the Sarnia Legion on Sat Feb 3 from 7-10pm. Cost is $30 per person, tables of 8 available.
Please contact me for more information to register or donate - 519-330-5319 or
Other Desert Cities - Feb.7-10, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Reserve your tickets by calling: 705-358-1425; Emailing: or
Tickets: $20/adult; $15/student
Other Desert Cities is a family drama infused with humor and wit, political commentary, sharp dialogue and an affecting premise: The grown daughter, Brooke, a writer who has suffered a nervous breakdown, has just written a memoir about her life, her parents and their role in the tragic loss of her brother. But she has not told her parents, Polly and Lyman, of her plans to publish the memoir until the publication date nears while on a Christmas visit back home.
Baitz asks the question whether Brooke has a greater obligation to her family (who saved her during her darkest moments) or to the truth and to her work as a writer.
Your dinner choice Perch, Pickerel, Halibut includes coleslaw, potato, roll/butter, every Friday 3-8pm for $13 plus tax. Specials & full menu available, 519-253-1834. All welcome.
Canadian Blood Services will be holding a blood donor clinic at the Port Hope Lions Recreation Centre from 3:00-7:00PM. You can give life by donating blood, to book your appointment and for more information on eligibility please visit