Community Event - Kingston - United Way Fare for Friends Sept 16/18

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1537120800 1537135200

Participants relax in the elegance of enormous white tents on the grounds of the Vimy Officers’ Mess on the banks of the St. Lawrence River. This is the region’s favourite garden party featuring culinary delights, wine tasting, martinis and microbrewery beer and live entertainment.

The silent and live auctions feature the talent of local potters, painters and jewellery makers, highlighting an eclectic shopping experience specially designed and organized by a volunteer committee.

This event is for adults only (19+)

Tickets will be on sale closer to the event. Please check the website for updates!

Vimy Officers' Mess CFB Kingston
1 Princess Royal Ave

Community Event - Kingston - United Way Campaign Touchdown Breakfast Nov 29/18

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1543492800 1543503600

Doors Open at 7:00am – Agenda Begins at 7:30am

Find out how much money you raised as we wrap up Campaign 2018 the same way we start it – with another delicious hot buffet breakfast at the Ambassador Hotel & Conference Centre.

Ambassador Hotel & Conference Centre
1550 Princess St

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - World Day of Prayer Friday, March 2nd at 1:30pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1519966800 1520053140

Hosted by Grace - St. Andrew's United Church on Friday, March 2nd at 1:30 pm in the Sanctuary.  This year we focus on the women of Suriname.  Refreshments to follow in basement.  Your offering supports World Day of Prayer grants for projects.  Please make cheques out to WICC.  Income Tax receipts provided for donations of $20 or more. Contact Ellen 613-623-5321 or Carol Hall 613-622-5438 for more information..

Grace - St. Andrew's United Church
269 John Street North
K7S 2P3

Community Event - Kingston - United Way Campaign Kick Off Breakfast Sept 7/18

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1536361200 1536415200

Doors Open at 7:00am – Agenda Begins at 7:30am

We’re starting off Campaign 2018 the way we always do, over breakfast at the Ambassador Hotel & Conference Centre. Join over 500 volunteers for a hot buffet breakfast as we announce our region-wide fundraising goal. This event is generously sponsored by the Ambassador Hotel & Conference Centre and Bourgon Construction.

Ambassador Hotel & Conference Centre
1550 Princess St

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Brentwood Easter Craft and Bake Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1519480800 1519498800
1519567200 1519585200

Beautiful Easter Baskets, Crafts, Meat Pies, Tarts, Cakes, Chili, Homemade Jams and Frozen Individual Dinners. Saturday & Sunday March 24 & 25, 9am-2pm. Everyone welcome! Join us for a hot bowl of Chili or a slice of pie or cake. At 2335 Dougall Ave.

Brentwood Recovery Home
2335 Dougall Ave

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Moscow's Sounds by the Cheng2 Duo

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1520037000 1520042400

The Fort Town Concert Association is pround to present the Cheng² Duo, consisting of cellist Bryan Cheng and pianist Silvie Cheng. They offer authentic interpretations directly inherited from years of studies rooted in the Russian tradition. Their presentation of virtuosic and lyrical works by renowned Russian composers, including Tchaikovsky and Rachmaninoff, will take you on an exciting journey to the Land of the Tsars. The sweet complicity of this sibling duo showcases the soul of Bryan's ancient cello, communicated with an almost human voice and carried by Silvie's expressive pianism. Ottawa based but known across Canada and internationally, they promise an exciting evening.

St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
425 Centre Street
K0E 1T0

Public Announcement - Chatham - CKHA Nursing Job Fair - March 6. 2018

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1520362800 1520373600

CKHA is hiring Registered Nurses, Registered Practical Nurses and Nurse Practitioners. Come to the CKHA Nursing Job Fair at John D Bradley Convention Centre from 2 - 5 pm. Meet staff members and clinical managers. Information available on departments and services. You can submit an application now. Go to, under Careers, View Jobs.

Public Announcement - Windsor/Leamington - St. David/St. Mark Community Meatloaf Dinner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1517849040 1517935440

February 23, 5-7pm at St. David's and St. Mark's Anglican Church, 3401 Byng at Foster. Meatloaf Dinner includes, salad, roll, mashed potatoes, gravy, vegetables, dessert and beverage. Freewill Offering. Everyone Welcome!

Public Announcement - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor-Essex Health Unit - We Want Your Feedback

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1517806800 1517893140

The Windsor-Essex County Health Unit is looking for residents in Windsor and Essex County that are 18 years and over to take a minuet to fill out a short survey. Find the survey online at Survey closes March 2. For more information, or to have a copy mailed to you, call the Oral Health Department at 519-258-2146 ext. 3212.

Public Announcement - Windsor/Leamington - Heritage Week Events Announced

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1518670800 1518757140

The Town of Essex, in collaboration with the Essex Municipal Heritage Committee, has officially announced their Heritage Week event line-up, happening from February 20 to 22.

Each February throughout the province, Heritage Week raises awareness of heritage sites within communities and recognizes organizations, residents, and volunteers working to protect Ontario's unique heritage resources.

This year’s theme, “Heritage Stands the Test of Time," aims to connect Town history with the modern era.

On Tuesday, February 20, two Town residents will receive Heritage Preservation Awards at the Regular Council Meeting starting at 6pm at the Essex Civic Centre. Both residents have demonstrated a dedication to protecting and celebrating local heritage.

On Wednesday, February 21, at 1:00pm at the Essex Train Station (87 Station Street, Essex Centre,) Bill Brundage will give a presentation on the restoration of the Boblo Island Blockhouse. The blockhouse was constructed to keep a lookout on Canadian rebels and American sympathizers looking to invade Canada during the rebellions of 1837-1838. Brundage and a team of volunteers have worked diligently since 2010 to restore the blockhouse.

On Thursday, February 22, at 5:00pm at the Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre (243 McAffee Street, Harrow Centre) members of the public are invited to bring in their historic documents, photos and projector slides for a scan-a-thon.  This is a chance to help further the preservation of local and family history.

Following the scan-a-thon, at 6:30pm residents are invited to Seamus Gunn’s presentation on the first 30 years of Confederation. As the second part of his wildly popular presentation from 2017, Gunn brings an engaging first-person story-telling style to describe the birth of our country.

New this year, the Town has created a free Heritage colouring book for kids. The colouring book aims to educate and engage all ages in the importance of heritage preservation.

A full schedule of events and more information on the Town’s heritage assets can be found online at