Community Event - Chatham - ANNUAL PENNY SALE

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1511827200 1511834400

St. Joseph's Annual Penny Sale will be held in the Spirit and Life Centre, 184 Wellington Street West, Chatham on Monday, November 27 from 7 - 9 pm. Doors open at 6:30. There are penny prizes, special prizes and the grand prize will be a 50/50 draw. There is a bake table with lots of great desserts and candies and refreshments are available. Great time for the whole family. Penny tickets will be available for $1.00 for 50 tickets.

N7M 1J6

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - 2018 Tunis Shriners Cash Calendar Now Available !

Submitted by rharrison on
1509163200 1509249540
1509681600 1509767940
1510203600 1510289940
1510722000 1510808340
1511240400 1511326740
1511845200 1511931540
1512363600 1512449940
1512882000 1512968340
1513227600 1513313940
1513314000 1513400340
1513400400 1513486740
1513486800 1513573140
1513573200 1513659540
1513659600 1513745940
1513746000 1513832340
1513832400 1513918740
1513918800 1514005140

Are you looking for a great Christmas gift idea? Why not consider supporting the great work of the Shrine Club locally by purchasing one of their cash calendars for 2018.

Calendars are $20 each – only 2500 are printed – and there is a total of $16,400 in cash prizes to be awarded!

Beginning January 1, 2018 cash prizes to be awarded as follows:

  • $25 daily Monday through Saturday
  • $100 winner every Sunday
  • Special draws on January 1st - $1000 / July 1st - $1000 and December 25th - $1500

Must be 19 years or older to participate in the lottery event

Draws will be conducted on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the Tunis Shrine headquarters in Ottawa

Winners will be notified by mail

You can check the prize winners online at

365 chances to win and YES you can win more than once !!!

To purchase calendars please contact Shrine Club members:

  • In Smiths Falls phone Paul Perkins 613-283-9071
  • In Brockville phone Gary Tristram at Classic Trophies 613-342-3222 or Joe Maggio at Maggio Flooring 613-342-5880

Thank you and good luck !

Tunis Shrine Club No. 179
2140 Walkley Road
K1G 3V3

Public Announcement - Windsor/Leamington - Branch 12, Ladies Auxiliary Fall Bazaar December 9

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1512835200 1512853200

Bake sale and crafts are being offered Saturday, December 9 from 11am till 4pm at Branch 12, corner of Argyle and Brant Streets. Are you crafty and want to show and sell your crafts? Rent a table for $15 by calling Ruby at 519-551-3737. Come out and get ready for the holidays with different gifts .

Community Event - Chatham - Remembrance Day Walk-A-Story

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1509508800 1509595140
1509595200 1509681540
1509681600 1509767940
1509768000 1509854340
1509854400 1509944340
1509944400 1510030740
1510030800 1510117140
1510117200 1510203540
1510203600 1510289940
1510290000 1510376340
1510376400 1510462740
1510462800 1510549140
1510549200 1510635540
1510635600 1510721940
1510722000 1510808340

This Remembrance Day, take time to remember in a special way! Chatham-Kent Public Library, along with downtown businesses, charities, and merchants are partnering to offer a Remembrance Day Walk-A-Story to enjoy throughout your community. Maps detailing participating locations are located at branches from November 1 to 15.

Read these beautiful stories as you take time to reflect this Remembrance Day:

Proud​ ​as​ ​a Peacock,​ ​Brave​ ​as​ ​a​ ​Lion by​ ​Jane​ ​Barclay
This Walk-A-Story is posted for reading throughout Chatham, Bothwell, Merlin, and Thamesville communities.

Who’s​ ​that​ ​Man?​​ ​by​ ​Marny​ ​Duncan-Cary
This Walk-A-Story is posted for reading throughout Blenheim, Dresden, Ridgetown, Tilbury, and Wallaceburg communities.

Everyone is welcome to share in Walk-A-Story. Pick up a map at your local branch, and enjoy! For more information, please call 519.354.2940 x247 for more information or visit


Chatham-Kent Public Library
N7M 2G6

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - 2018 Tunis Shriners Cash Calendar Now Available !

Submitted by rharrison on
1508299200 1508385540
1508817600 1508903940
1509336000 1509422340
1509854400 1509944340
1510376400 1510462740
1510894800 1510981140
1511413200 1511499540
1511931600 1512017940
1512450000 1512536340
1512968400 1513054740
1513141200 1513227540
1513314000 1513400340
1513400400 1513486740
1513400400 1513486740
1513486800 1513573140
1513573200 1513659540
1513659600 1513745940
1513746000 1513832340
1513832400 1513918740
1513918800 1514005140

Are you looking for a great Christmas gift idea? Why not consider supporting the great work of the Shrine Club locally by purchasing one of their cash calendars for 2018.

Calendars are $20 each – only 2500 are printed – and there is a total of $16,400 in cash prizes to be awarded!

Beginning January 1, 2018 cash prizes to be awarded as follows:

  • $25 daily Monday through Saturday
  • $100 winner every Sunday
  • Special draws on January 1st - $1000 / July 1st - $1000 and December 25th - $1500
  • Must be 19 years or older to participate in the lottery event

Draws will be conducted on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at the Tunis Shrine headquarters in Ottawa

Winners will be notified by mail

You can check the prize winners online at

365 chances to win and YES you can win more than once !!!

To purchase calendars locally please contact these Shrine Club members:

  • In Smiths Falls phone Paul Perkins 613-283-9071
  • In Brockville phone Gary Tristram at Classic Trophies 613-342-3222 or Joe Maggio at Maggio Flooring 613-342-5880

Thank you and good luck !

Tunis Shrine Club No. 179
2140 Walkley Road
K1G 3V3

Public Announcement - Sarnia - Cogeco at Lambton Mall

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1510894800 1510981140
1511758800 1511845140
1512968400 1513054740
1513573200 1513659540

Visit the Cogeco Team at Lambton Mall November 17- December 31. Let our team show you the great features of TiVo, and how you can personalize your TV experience with our My Mix packages. We will also be offering a discounted installation on any new service added!  Cogeco: Switch on Amazing.

Community Event - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Family and Children's Services Snowsuit Campaign

Submitted by rharrison on
1508299200 1508385540
1508472000 1508558340
1508644800 1508731140
1508817600 1508903940
1508904000 1508990340
1508990400 1509076740
1509076800 1509163140
1509163200 1509249540

Organized by Family and Children's Services of Lanark, Leeds and Grenville and on until October 28.

  1. More than 500 snowsuits needed in our region each year
  2. You can help by recycling gently used snowsuits, jackets and snow pants
  3. Cash donations are also welcome
  4. 1.855.667.2726 ext 4115 is the # to call for more information

Please donate and help keep our children warm this winter. The drop off locations are as follow:

  • All Lanark County and Smiths Falls elementary schools
  • In Perth at Barnabe's Independent Grocer, Brownlee's Metro and the Perth and District indoor pool
  • In Smiths Falls at Andress Independent Grocer, Giant Tiger, Smiths Falls Community Centre and The Cooperators 

Thank you for your support ! 

Perth Office
8 Herriott Street
K7H 1S9

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Volunteers Always Welcome at YourTV Brockville

Submitted by rharrison on
1508299200 1508385540
1508472000 1508558340
1508731200 1508817540
1508990400 1509076740
1509163200 1509249540
1509336000 1509422340
1509508800 1509595140

Are you looking for something to do? Are you interested in being actively involved in your community? Would you like to learn more about television production?

These opportunities are all waiting for you when you become a volunteer here at YourTV!

You can be behind the camera or on-camera or even somewhere in between as we have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities available with training provided. And for high school students volunteering at YourTV is a great way to fulfill your volunteer commitment.

We welcome volunteers of all ages and we cover a wide variety of community events so why not contact us to find out more about what we have to offer at YourTV where we are Truly Local!

For more information you can reach us by:

Phone: 613-865-7794




We look forward to hearing from you real soon!!!

YourTV Brockville Studio
333 California Avenue