Notice to water users in the Communities of Ridgetown and Highgate.
Public Works Department will be flushing fire hydrants commencing on Sunday, April 2nd, 2023 until approximately Friday, April 21st, 2023.
Hours of flushing will be from 10:00 pm to 6:00 am, Monday through Friday.
In areas where flushing is taking place, residents may experience low water pressure or discoloured water. Caution should be exercised during this period for possible discoloured water, prior to doing laundry to ensure water is clear.
Should you experience discoloured water, allow the water to run for 5-10 minutes, which should alleviate the problem. If discolouration of the water continues after 24 - 48 hours of normal use, please notify Public Works @ 519-360-1998 or 311 on your cell phone.