Public Notices/Announcements - Sarnia - Lawrence House Centre for the Arts new exhibition
New exhibition, "One True Sentence"
New exhibition, "One True Sentence"
Sarnia Horticultural Society, monthly meeting
The Cangrands Point Edward Kinship Chapter would like to invite anyone who is raising their Grandchild, niece, nephew, cousin, or a Kinship Family (Any child that isn't your own) to our monthly support meeting. It is held on the second Wednesday of each month from 6:30pm to 7:30pm at the Point Edward Early Learning Centre downstairs - 213 Michigan Ave Point Edward-Sarnia. Children are welcome. Coffee, juice and small snack is provided.
Prince Edward Community Care continues the monthly curbside pick-up of meals on Thursday, February 23rd, 2023. Chef Bill Grieve of Wheelhouse and Occasions catering is preparing a scrumptious meal of homemade soup, chicken cordon bleu, potatoes, vegetables, bread and fruit pie for dessert. The cost is only $18.00/meal and seniors 60+ can order by calling the Community Care office at 613-476-7493. All meals must be paid for in advance. Meals will be packaged hot and ready to be picked up at The View Restaurant at the Picton Golf Club. Only those who preorder and pay will be served. To order, or for more information, call 613-476-7493. Orders will be taken until February 17th, 2023.
Join Lighthouse largest annual fundraiser!
Let's come together to SHINE A LIGHT on children's grief
Gather your family, friends, neighbours, and colleagues to walk or run our scenic 1K or 5K route in support of grieving children and youth in our communities.
Every dollar raised will go directly to fund our grief support groups to ensure our services remain FREE for families who need them.
The fun takes place on Saturday May 27, 2023 at St. Volodymyr Cultural Centre in Oakville. Can't make it? No can also register to participate virtually at the location of your choice.
**Register by March 12th to take advantage of the Early Bird Rate!**
Belleville Public Library is hosting a Speed Friending event for adults in their 20s and 30s.
Speed Friending is like speed dating, but for friendship. You will get a chance to spend a few minutes to meet and chat with each fellow friend seeker in attendance. Don't worry; we'll have plenty of conversation starters.
There is no expectation to share contact information with anyone at the end of the event.
Wednesday, February 15 at 6pm in the 3rd Floor Meeting Room
To register, call 613-968-6731 x2037 or email For more information, visit
The next "Big Pickin' Party" will be be held at the McGregor Columbian Club. 9560 Walker Rd. on Tuesday February 7, from 1:00 to 3:30 pm. Bring an instrument (acoustic preferred) and join in-- all talent levels are welcome.
Sellebration of Books & Music
Friday February 17, 1:00 to 6:00pm
Saturday February 18, 8:00am to 2:00pm
Browse through 1000s of donated books, cds, and puzzles at The Seniors Centre, 56 Francis St. A fundraiser in support of the Seniors Association. Supported by The Kingston Whig-Standard and YourTV.
Donations of hardcover & paperback books, music tapes, cds and puzzles accepted until to February 10. Please no encyclopedias, Readers Digest condensed books, computer books, outdated reference books or magazines.
Free admission
The Seniors Centre, 56 Francis St. K7M 1L7
Jean Lawson
A full course luncheon event at Jim's Restaurant on Wednesday, March 1st from 1pm till 3pm. Choice of sandwiches Ham and Cheese or Sliced Turkey. Entertainment by Karl and Linda Dregischan. Tickets $11 available from Seniors at Home office until noon on Monday Feb 27. All Seniors or Adults with Disabilities welcome.