Visit Oakville created the “Winter Photo Challenge” for amateur and professional
photographers to share their images of Oakville for a chance to win a grand prize.
From Wednesday, January 4th, 2023, to Tuesday, January 31st, 2023, Visit Oakville will accept
high-resolution JPEG submissions via email.
Visit Oakville will feature select pictures weekly on social media and credit the photographers
by tagging them in the images. By entering the contest, the participants agree that their images
may be featured on social media channels.
Submissions close on January 31st, 2023, at midnight. A winner will be chosen and announced
in early February. The winning photographer will receive a $200 Downtown Oakville gift card
and will also appear in the 23/24 Oakville Visitor Guide in March.
Non-participants can share which submissions are their favourite by commenting weekly on the
contest posts. They can also show their support by sharing the picture on their social media
stories and tagging @visitoakville.
Do you have a winter photo idea that could take home the prize? If so, follow the steps below!
How to Enter:
1. Take images of Oakville this Winter. You can take pictures of anything you'd like. The limit is
your imagination.
2. Email your masterpiece in high-resolution JPEG format to One image
per contestant. Select your best work.
3. In the submission, include the following:
● First and Last name
● Instagram Username
● Facebook Username
● Twitter Username
● Let us know if you do not have one of the social media accounts listed above. We require this information, so we can give you credit when sharing your work.
4. Follow us on Instagram @visitoakville