Community Event - Cornwall - Living Life to the Full- Virtual Free Program

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1675292400 1675299600

Want to know how to feel happier, more confident, and worry less right now? Would you like to learn new ways of dealing with what life throws at you? Living Life to the Full is a fun and interactive course that will help you understand your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and what to do about them! Please note that this session will be delivered virtually via Zoom. Join us for this 8 week program. Topics include stress management, anger solutions, self-esteem and happiness. Suitable for ages 15+

CMHA & Cornwall Library- Virtual ZOOM
329 Pitt St
K6J 3R1

Community Event - Cornwall - Raquette en groupe- Le moral en marche

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1675447200 1675452600

Raquette en groupe

Sentiers de summerstown - 6150 County Rd 27- Williamstown

Location de raquettes disponibles $6.00

Activités hivernales de bien-être animées par l’ACSM

Chaque vendredi 13h00-14h30 (février 3, 10, 17, 24)

en partenariat avec Centre de Santé Communautaire de l'Estrie

Summerstown Trails/Sentiers Summerstown
6150 County Rd 27- Williamstown
K0C 2J0

Community Event - Cornwall - Winter- Mood Walks- Snowshoeing

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1675350000 1675353600

Join CMHA and Seaway Valley Community Health Centre every Thursday in February. Participate in a 1 hour session of Snowshoeing at Summerstown Trails. Cost to rent snow shoes $6.00 per session. Each week a wellness theme will be introduced to help beat the winter blues!

Summerstown Trails
6150 County Rd 27- Williamstown
K0C 2J0

Public Notices/Announcements - Muskoka - COVID-19 pop-up and walk-in vaccination clinic

Submitted by sacton on
1673712000 1673740800


SIMCOE MUSKOKA – The Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit continues to offer one-day pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinics at locations throughout Simcoe Muskoka, with upcoming clinics taking place from Jan. 9 to 16. All vaccine doses, including the bivalent booster for individuals aged five years and older at health unit operated pop-up clinics. GO-VAXX bus and mobile clinics offer first and second doses to children aged five to 11, and bivalent boosters to individuals aged five years and older. Walk-ins are available as capacity allows 

January 14, Active Living Centre, Huntsville



Community Event - Cornwall - Beat the winter blues- Zumba Fundraiser (CMHA)

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1673911800 1673915400

Join us on Blue Monday and Beat the Winter blues- Christal from Zumba Cornwall will be hosting an energizing Zumba class in support of CMHA. $5.00 drop-in. All proceeds that evening to support CMHA Champlain East.

St.Lawrence High School
1450 Second St
K6H 5Z8