Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - Peterborough Astronomical Assoc. Monthly Mtg.
The monthly meeting of the Peterborough Astronomical Association's (PAA) will take place January 6th, as a “Hybrid Meeting”, both online and at our traditional physical location of the Rotary Education Centre/Guest Services Building, Riverview Park Zoo. Even these troubled times cannot stop the spread of information and knowledge by the members of the PAA. Our work around involves using a Zoom platform. To participate via Zoom, just make sure that in advance, you opened a (free) Zoom account on whatever iphone or tablet or device you wish to participate with and then contact for the password and link to our evenings classes and presentations. If you wish to participate in-person you are welcome to do so at the Zoo.
Our “Novice Astronomy Classes” are focused on the practical aspects of learning about astronomy. You will be introduced to astronomy related subjects at a very basic level, but in a logical sequence. This month's session is a continuation of our Astronomy Class Series, Lesson 10 in the series, “Deep Sky Objects - Part 1”. We will travel beyond our solar system to investigate the wide variety of objects of interest to amateur astronomers. Object categories we will explore include bright stars, open and globular clusters, planetary and diffuse nebulae, galaxies and supernova remnants. All can be observed with a small telescope, many with binoculars and a few of the brightest with no optical aid at all. To help you locate these objects important catalogues, print resources and software will be discussed. Plan to join us and discover the wonders of the night sky that await your scrutiny. Come join us at the PAA’s next Novice Astronomy Class to learn about the night sky and take your first step in becoming acquainted with astronomy. Join us anytime!
If you are even remotely interested, be on-line by 6:00 p.m. to see what you can learn about the Universe around you. The classes will run about 45 minutes each session, before our regular meeting resumes. There’s no obligation to stay for the meeting that follows, but you are more than welcome to if you wish.
Shortly after 7:00 p.m. there will be a brief meeting. The main event for this month will be a presentation by club member, Brian Colville, entitled ”The Latest Addition to the Maple Ridge Observatory”. This presentation will review some background on the Maple Ridge Observatory and the evolution of the structures and equipment used there. The main focus will be an overview of the latest addition of a new domed structure that replaces two smaller domes. This build stretched over a year, started in the fall of 2021 and just being completed now (supply chain delays). This new dome houses a 130mm APO and 80mm dedicated solar scope for a combination of solar, lunar, and deep sky imaging. Why not check this out? The price is right…it costs you nothing but your time.
The Sky This Month will be posted on our club website for all to access. There will also be the usual opportunities to have your questions answered, at no cost. All we ask is that you register in advance at This is an all ages meeting and the venue is totally barrier free. Just relax at home and “live and learn” as they say. Also, you don’t need a telescope to participate, but a curious mind helps.