Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Monthly Progressive Euchre Jan. 5th,2023
Play the game of progressive euchre.
Play the game of progressive euchre.
The Fire and Ice Festival offers a unique approach to a traditional winter carnival.
There is something for everyone to enjoy at this year's festival!
Jan 28th
Volunteers needed! visit us at for more info
Community Christmas Carol Sing
Dec 22, 7pm
Bracebridge United Church, 46 Dominion St
Trenton Seniors Club 105
Ham & Scalloped potato dinner with veggies and salad
Beverage and dessert included.
Saturday, January 21, 2023
Tickets $20 pp. available at the office. Advance tickets only.
For tickets and information call the club at 613-392-5400
The Ontario SPCA and Humane Society is a registered charity that has been operating for nearly 150 years. The Society provides care, comfort and compassion to animals in need in communities across Ontario. It values all animals and advocates to treat them with respect and kindness. The Society strives to keep pets and families together and do so through a variety of community support services, such as sheltering and adoptions, including emergency sheltering, feral cat management programs, animal transfers, food distribution, humane education, animal advocacy, and spay/neuter services.
DEC 26th
Join us and learn about Advanced Care Planning, presented by Hospice Quinte.
Do you know who your Substitute Decision Makers are? Does anyone know your wishes if you became sick and unable to speak for yourself? This workshop will help you to determine your Substitute Decision Makers as well as identify some tips on starting Advance Care Planning conversations with your families and friends. Participants will also receive a wellness bag and workbook.
Wednesday, January 25 at 6:00pm in the 3rd floor Meeting Room
To register, call 613-968-6731 x2037, email, or visit the Information Services desk.
December 23rd and 30th: No Fish Fry. December 24th and 31st: No Meat or Line Draws. Legion is CLOSED for the Holidays December 25th. Re-Opening January 4th.
Set in the late 1800's, this witty and fun comedy centres around Sir Robert Chiltern who ejoys the reputation of being one of the only honest men in politics...until an unwelcome visitor threatens to reveal the secret that could destroy his career. Oscar Wilde's scintillating drawing-room comedy is wise, well constructed, and deepy satisfying.