Community Event - Quinte - Seniors' Active Living Fair

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1670349600 1670353200

Seniors’ Active Living Fair as a virtual event taking place online using Zoom Webinars. All seniors 60+ are welcome to attend these free events. Local businesses and organizations are presenting 1 hour Zoom Webinars every Tuesday and Wednesday from 1-2pm. All seniors who participate receive a free “Swag Bag” from Community Care and the presenters filled with great stuff including pamphlets, treats and information flyers. “Door Prizes” are drawn at each webinar and one of the participants will win. December Zoom Webinar topics include “Keeping Our Community on the Move” with Shelly Ackers; “Why Brain Health is so Important” with Jennifer Loner; “Foot Care, Meal Programs and rides to help seniors live at home” with Co-ordinators from Community Care; “Fraud Awareness, Current Scams and Safe Winter Driving” with Constable Aaron Miller; “20 Questions, A chance to ask anything you might want to know more about from your local OPP” with Staff Sgt. John Hatch, Detachment Commander. Closed captioning is available for these webinar events. For a complete schedule of presentations and to register see the Activity Calendar at or call 613-476-7493 for more information. Get active, make friends, be well!

PEC Community Care For Seniors
74 King Street
K0K 2T0

Community Event - Quinte - Seniors' Active Living Fair

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1670349600 1670353200

Seniors’ Active Living Fair as a virtual event taking place online using Zoom Webinars. All seniors 60+ are welcome to attend these free events. Local businesses and organizations are presenting 1 hour Zoom Webinars every Tuesday and Wednesday from 1-2pm. All seniors who participate receive a free “Swag Bag” from Community Care and the presenters filled with great stuff including pamphlets, treats and information flyers. “Door Prizes” are drawn at each webinar and one of the participants will win. December Zoom Webinar topics include “Keeping Our Community on the Move” with Shelly Ackers; “Why Brain Health is so Important” with Jennifer Loner; “Foot Care, Meal Programs and rides to help seniors live at home” with Co-ordinators from Community Care; “Fraud Awareness, Current Scams and Safe Winter Driving” with Constable Aaron Miller; “20 Questions, A chance to ask anything you might want to know more about from your local OPP” with Staff Sgt. John Hatch, Detachment Commander. Closed captioning is available for these webinar events. For a complete schedule of presentations and to register see the Activity Calendar at or call 613-476-7493 for more information. Get active, make friends, be well!

PEC Community Care For Seniors
74 King Street
K0K 2T0

Community Event - Chatham - Wallaceburg Museum Christmas Market is Open

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1669906800 1669928400

Find gifts from over 15 of our local Artists, Artisans, Crafters, and Small Businesses and feel a warm glow knowing that your purchases helped support the

community.  If your looking for that one of a kind gift stop by the Museum.  Christmas shopping doesn’t have to be stressful. 

Admission is Free, and you can also visit the museum while you’re here. The Museum Hours are Tuesday to Thursday 10am to 4pm, Friday 10am to 7pm, Saturday 10am to 4pm, Sundays and Mondays we are closed.


Wallaceburg District Museum
505 King Street
N8A 1J1

Community Event - Chatham - Get your photo with Santa, decorate a cookie,

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1670684400 1670698800

Come Visit with Santa.  Get a photo with Santa, decorate a cookie, do a craft and write your letters to Santa. $5.00/per child This will be a fun event for anyone. 

This will take place at the Wallaceburg Museum up stairs in the Jeanne Gordon Hall.

Wallaceburg Museum in the Jeanne Gordon Hall
505 King Street
N8A 1J1

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Tutankhamen Presentation with Laura Ranieri

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1670698800 1670702400

Celebrate the 100th anniversary of the opening of King Tut's tomb with Egyptologist Laura Ranieri as she discuses how the discovery influenced the world of the 1920's and beyond. Learn little-known facts about the treasures and the many secrets of the tomb. No registration required, so come early! 

Port Hope Public Library Mary J. Benson Branch
31 Queen Street
L1A 2Y8
Port Hope

Public Notices/Announcements - Muskoka - Dementia Friendly Communities

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1670346000 1670349600

"Alzheimer Society of Muskoka Presentation: “Dementia Friendly Communities”


…That over 225,000 Ontarians are diagnosed with dementia? Of those, close to 10,000 people diagnosed with dementia are under the age of 65. In addition, it is believed that 60 percent of people living with dementia will become lost at some point.

We all forget things, experience changes in our mood, or mix up our words from time to time. But when this begins to affect our day-to-day functioning, it could be a sign of a condition called dementia. What is dementia? Dementia is a broad term that describes a set of symptoms that may include memory loss, changes in mood, and difficulties with thinking, problem-solving, and language. While they may seem small at the start, they can affect the day-to-day lives of people with dementia. At the same time, persons living with dementia live in our neighbourhoods, access our services, and are patrons of our businesses!

How can you help? On Tuesday, December 6, join us at noon via Zoom as the Alzheimer Society of Muskoka, in partnership with the Bracebridge Chamber of Commerce, presents information about dementia, how it affects individuals, and what you can do to help make Muskoka a more dementia-friendly community. You will learn about:

1. What is Dementia?
2. The Dementia Experience – the “8 As”
3. Strategies for Communication
4. Strategies for Surroundings
5. The Alzheimer Society of Muskoka and how we help


We look forward to your participation!

Call 705-645-5231 if you need assistance with the registration process.