Community Event - Quinte - Seniors' Active Living Fair
Seniors’ Active Living Fair as a virtual event taking place online using Zoom Webinars. All seniors 60+ are welcome to attend these free events. Local businesses and organizations are presenting 1 hour Zoom Webinars every Tuesday and Wednesday from 1-2pm. All seniors who participate receive a free “Swag Bag” from Community Care and the presenters filled with great stuff including pamphlets, treats and information flyers. “Door Prizes” are drawn at each webinar and one of the participants will win. December Zoom Webinar topics include “Keeping Our Community on the Move” with Shelly Ackers; “Why Brain Health is so Important” with Jennifer Loner; “Foot Care, Meal Programs and rides to help seniors live at home” with Co-ordinators from Community Care; “Fraud Awareness, Current Scams and Safe Winter Driving” with Constable Aaron Miller; “20 Questions, A chance to ask anything you might want to know more about from your local OPP” with Staff Sgt. John Hatch, Detachment Commander. Closed captioning is available for these webinar events. For a complete schedule of presentations and to register see the Activity Calendar at or call 613-476-7493 for more information. Get active, make friends, be well!