Community Event - Niagara - Royal Canadian Legion Br. 24 Turkey Raffle
Friday, December 9th @ 5pm. Tickets $2.00 ea or 3/$5.00 Everyone is Welcome!
Friday, December 9th @ 5pm. Tickets $2.00 ea or 3/$5.00 Everyone is Welcome!
Choice of Fried or Bake Fish. Fries or Baked Potato. 2 piece Dinner $15. 1 piece Dinner $11. Eat In or Take-Out!
An evening of Christmas festivities at Sarnia's French Community Centre starting at 5 pm on December 10th. There will be a buffet and children's activities from 5:30 to 7 pm, a visit from Santa starting at 7 pm and a concert with Les Cuillères à Carreaux, a traditional Québec-style music group, starting at 8 pm. Tickets are on sale on our website: until December 6th. Tickets for the buffet and concert are $30 per adult, $10 for children 6 to 12 years old, and free for children under 6 accompanied by an adult. Tickets to attend the concert only are $20. Call 519-541-0207 for more information.
À la douce mémoire de Gilbert Renaud (11e anniversaire). Toujours dans nos pensées, son épouse, Denise, ses fils Marc & Luc et familles et ses soeurs, Gisèle et Hélène.
BMO Bank of Montreal
In memory of George DeSerres from the Board of Directors, Staff & Volunteers at the Children's Treatment Centre
In loving memory of David Murphy from Helen McAlear
Walter Hagen, Blow Snow Removal Inc.
Remembering you is easy. The heartache of losing you never goes away. Love Always, Jocelyn, Shannon, Gregg & family
In loving memory of Joe, Louise, Sr. Mary, Shelley & Dorothy McAlear from Rosemary and Helen McAlear