The Food Action Group of Transition Cornwall+ invites you to:
FROM SEED TO PLANT – A presentation for starting a successful garden
Monday, Nov 28 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
@ Benson Centre, Automotive Room (to a maximum of 50 people).
Tish Gibbs, accompanied by Marc Ladouceur and Carol Boileau will offer tips for preparing for next year’s gardening: from starting seeds indoors to replanting outdoors or in pots. This presentation is in time for you to order seeds over the winter and plan your own gardens. And remember, seeds are much cheaper than grocery store vegetables. Important to remember in these times.
This will be a hybrid event, so you can join us in person at the Benson Centre, or watch the livestream on our public Facebook page Cornwall, SD&G, Akwesasne Edible Gardening Group