Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - East PTBO Lions Fruit Cake Sales
The East PTBO Lions are selling their Fruit Cakes again this Year. But we are selling not only fruit cakes fudge and shortbread as well. Prices are as followed:
$17 items are: 900gm - Dark Ring in a Box, 900gm- Twin Pack (1 dark 450gm, 1 light 450gm), 900gm - Dark Twin Pack.
$12 items are: 600gm - Dark Bar Cake(sliced), 600gm Light Bar Cake(sliced)
$14 is 16oz Maple Walnut Fudge
$10 is 375gm Shortbread
$3 is 90gr Chocolate Covered Almonds
To Order Please email: Lion Frank Hewitt at