Community Event - Sarnia - St. Luke's United Church Bazaar Saturday Nov.12th

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1668261600 1668272400

Saturday Nov.12, 2022 our Family Bazaar is back from 9am to noon. There will be turkey and beef pot pies, butter tarts, books, baking, crafts, nearly new table and assorted vendors. Bring your own bags.

350 Indian Road S, the corner of Indian and Wellington.

More information call 519-344-1781

St. Luke's United Church
350 Indian Rd. S
N7T 3W8

Public Notices/Announcements - Muskoka - Muskoka Shield Vs. West Nipissing Lynx

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1665878400 1665892800

Come support the Muskoka Shield as they host the West Nipissing Lynx on Saturday October 15th at 8pm!

Adults (18+) $15
Student (13-17) / Seniors (65+) $10
Kids 12 and under FREE

Season tickets are available! 
Individual - $195
Pair - $295
Family Bundle - $495

e-mail for more details

Don't forget to visit the Penalty Box Lounge!

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - CWL Fall Garage Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1667651400 1667660400

CWL Huge Garage Sale at Cathedral Parish

Saturday, November 5th from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Great Prices & Variety

Cathedral Parish
188 Renfrew Avenue
K8A 6X9
Pembroke, Ontario

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - St. Alfred's CWL Snowflake Bazaar Sun. Nov. 19th

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1668866400 1668884400

The St. Alfred’s Catholic Women’s League is hosting a Snowflake Bazaar on Sunday, November 19th at 272 Vine Street in St. Mark’s Room from  9 am to 2 pm.  There will be a penny sale and raffle, silent auction, crafts, baked goods, religious goods, lunch and much more.  Everyone is welcome!

Community Event - Niagara - Royal Canadian Legion Br 24 Armistice Dinner

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1667683800 1667700000

Dinner $10 per person. Tickets Now @ Bar. Veterans and Escort are Free. Serving Ham, Scalloped Potatoes, Vegetables, Salad, Dessert, Coffee & Tea.

Royal Canadian Legion Br. 24
15 George St. (Lower Level)
L2R 5N1
St. Catharines

Community Event - Cornwall - Salem United Church Fall Fair

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1666447200 1666461600

Home Baking (including frozen fruit and meat pies), Plants, Attic Treasures, Preserves, and Local Vendors.

Lunch featuring Lancaster perch roll, chili, hotdogs desserts, and refreshments.


Salem United Church
19197 COUNTY RD 2
K0C 2E0

Community Event - Niagara - Beamville Lions Club All You Can Eat Breakfast

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1665925200 1665937800

Beamsville Lions All You Can Eat Breakfast Fundraiser,

includes Pancakes, French Toast, Bacon, Sausage, Home Fries, Scrambled Eggs, Toast, Fruit Cup, Juice, Coffee and Tea   

Adults: $15, Children 6-12 $7, 5 and under are free.

Location: Lincoln Center, 4361 Central Ave, Beamsville


Lincoln Centre
4361 Central Ave,

Community Event - Quinte - Belleville Garden Club October Meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1666738800 1666746000

Belleville Garden Club

Wondering what recreation projects the City of Belleville has planned? Join us Tuesday, October 25th, at 7:00 PM at Eastside Community Baptist Church, 68 Rollins Drive, Belleville and find out. Rowland Cave-Browne-Cave, Manager, Operations, Planning and Development for the City of Belleville joins us for an update. Everyone is welcome. Should you decide to join us, membership is $10/person, $15/family. Visit our website: for more information.

Eastside Community Baptist Church
68 Rollins Drive
K8N 4J4