Community Event - North Bay - Name That Tune ~ Trivia Night

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1666393200 1666402200

Calling all Trivia and Music Fans! Come and play Name That Tune at the North Bay Golden Age Club.
Friday October 21, 2022. Doors open at 7:00pm, Game Time is 7:30pm.
Located at 135 Worthington St W, North Bay.
$5 per person
$25 for a team (table) of 6 people
You are allowed to bring your own snack food into the building, but please clean up afterwards.
Free parking available at city lots and some street parking available.
To purchase tickets come into the Club or call us at 705-474-6520.
*Vaccinations required for Club entry*

North Bay Golden Age Club
135 Worthington Street West
P1B 8M6
North Bay

Community Event - Quinte - PAGES: Hear Writers Read Their Work

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1666807200 1666814400

For those who love to be read to, love to read, or write, an entertaining afternoon is guaranteed as novelists Penny Hughes and Rose Kerr share passages from their works.

Join is in the 3rd Floor Gallery on Wednesday October 26 from 2pm to 4pm. 

To register, call 613-968-6731 x2037, email, or visit the Information Services desk.

Belleville Public Library, 3rd Floor Gallery
254 Pinnacle Street
K8N 3B1

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Try-It Wheelchair Basketball!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1670702400 1670709600

Funded by the Ontario Trillium Foundation, please join us on December 10th from 3-5 pm for wheelchair basketball at the YMCA, located at 123 Aylmer Street. There will sport chairs to try the sport, at no cost to participants. All participants are welcome; no matter the age or the ability level. For more information, please contact Felicity Phillips at

YMCA Peterborough
123 Aylmer Street

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - PA Day Camp

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1666614600 1666643400

Join us on October 24th from 8:30-4:30 at VentureNorth, 270 George Street North for it's inaugural PA Day Camp! Lunch and two snacks will be included; all abilities and children up to 14 years old welcome. No cost, but donations are always appreciated. The activities will be based around the children's interests for the day. For further information or to register, please e-mail Felicity Phillips at

270 George Street North

Community Event - Sarnia - LC Petrolia Optimist Craft & Gift Show

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1667653200 1667678400

Come on out and support the Lambton Central Petrolia Optimist Club at their Annual Fall Craft & Gift Show on Saturday November 5th, 2022. Located at the New Life Assembly Church 421 Oozloffsky Street Petrolia. Over 55 amazing vendors, Toonie Table, Food and Refreshments available. Funds raised go to support the youth in the community.

New Life Assembly Church
421 OOzloffsky Street
N0N 1R0

Cribwolf Talks

Cribwolf Talks is a new partner in 2022 to YourTV.  The group produces their own video podcasts
and other exclusive content which we are now airing starting this season on YourTV.  The shows
find Lino Fera, co-founder of Cribwolf Foundation and a parent of an individual with developmental
disabilities (IDD) hosting discussions on crucial topics related to the care and housing crisis facing
the IDD and other vulnerable communities. If you are a parent, caregiver, or simply want to bring

Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - FREE 4-Week Training starting Nov. 7th: Choices

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1667844000 1667853000

Need to build confidence?  Want to set goals for the future?  Tri-County Literacy Council is offering a new 4-week training titled “Choices” starting on Monday, November 7th.  In this program, students will focus on the essential skills needed to succeed at work and at home.

Topics include:

  • Attitude/Motivation
  • Budgeting
  • Oral communication
  • Assertiveness
  • Goal setting
  • Career exploration.
  • Guest Speakers

The curriculum was developed by Tri-County Literacy Council.  The training is suitable for various learners, including those planning to enter the school environment after a prolonged absence and people changing careers. Strengthen your Essential Skills of working with others and oral communication. Classes will run Monday to Thursday from 1 to 3:30 p.m., starting Monday, November 7th.  To register call Tri-County Literacy Council at 613-932-7161.

Community Event - Sarnia - Jumpstart Sarnia-Lambton Teen Transition Fair

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1664856000 1664942340

Join us on Tuesday, October 18th 2022, from 6:00pm to 8:00pm at Pathways Health Centre for Children for the Sarnia-Lambton JumpStart Teen Transition Fair 2022. The theme for this year’s fair is “Ability to Succeed, Ability to Thrive”.

This information night is meant for all parents/ caregivers of young people with a disability who are currently in high school. During the event, you can learn more about what the future can be for your teen after high school and what you can do now in preparation for this transition to adulthood.

Presentations will be made by representatives from Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) and Developmental Services Ontario (DSO).

Make connections with community services in the following areas:

- Education

- Employment

- Extra-curricular Activities

- Funding

- Housing

- Respite

Pathways Health Centre for Children
1240 Murphy Road
N7S 2Y6