Community Event - Burlington/Oakville - Volunteer Halton Workshop - Sept. 22

Submitted by lhenry1 on
1663853400 1663858800

On Thursday September 22, Volunteer Halton is pleased to welcome Erin Spink, MA, as she kick-starts the Data Literacy For Leaders of Volunteers workshop series with a workshop on "Data Collection:  Overview & Assessment". What do you measure as a benchmark of success in your volunteer program?  In this first workshop, join us to learn more about the pros/cons of different data collection methods and how to identify gaps and opportunities in the data you currently collect.  Part II and Part III of this series will focus on creating a data collection toolkit and how to tell better stories through data.

Data Collection:  Overview & Assessment
Thursday September 22, 2022
9:30am - 11:00am

Members:  $15 | Non-members:  $25
Register at CiviCRM | Community Development Halton (

Via Zoom
Via Zoom
Halton Area

Community Event - Kingston - Business Summit Oct 20. 8am-4:30pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1666267200 1666297800

For over 43 years, Small Business Week has been dedicated to honouring the incredible diversity of local businesses and entrepreneurs to our economies. This year, in celebration, the Greater Kingston Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the Business Summit, taking place October 20th from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm at St. Lawrence College’s Conference Centre for a full-day interactive and engaging event highlighting the vibrant and prosperous business community.

Join us for a one-day conference dedicated to bringing together Kingston’s industry leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators who drive our community. Get inspired, create connections and engage in rich conversations with dynamic industry leaders from numerous different sectors.

Participants can look forward to interactive and enlightening presentations, panel discussions, networking opportunities, lunch, and much more. This is an event business owners (of all sizes) within Kingston and area won't want to miss.

Many thanks to Title Sponsor Empire Life for sponsoring this event!

St. Lawrence College
100 Portsmouth Ave
K7L 5A6

Community Event - Kingston - St Lawrence College Community Update Sep 29 7:30am

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1664451000 1664456400

Join St. Lawrence College's President and CEO, Glenn Vollebregt, for breakfast and an in-depth look at local workforce development from the perspective of the college and its community. Learn what provincial trends are taking shape that will have local impact on the talent you could be seeking for your business and hear from a panel discussing strategies and tips on ways to get the college working for you. St. Lawrence College plays an integral role in Eastern Ontario, offering over 100 programs designed to meet the needs of industry, and attracting students from more than 60 countries around the world to live, learn, and eventually work in our region.  

Your ticket includes breakfast. Register today!

St. Lawrence College
100 Portsmouth Ave
K7L 5A6

Community Event - Burlington/Oakville - Canadian Club of Halton Dinner / Speaker Series

Submitted by lhenry1 on
1681419600 1681434000

Canadian Club of Halton presents Dinner/Speaker Hilary Brown, Canadian Broadcaster and ABC News’ first female foreign correspondent, April 13th at the Oakville Conference Centre.  Fees for the combined 3-course dinner and speaker are only $55.00/member and $65.00/non-member. Space is limited and sales at the door are not possible.  Ticket registration is on-line at and e-transfer is available at

Oakville Conference Centre
2515 Wyecroft Rd
L7P 3N9

Community Event - Burlington/Oakville - Canadian Club of Halton Dinner / Speaker Series

Submitted by lhenry1 on
1676584800 1676599200

Canadian Club of Halton presents Dinner/Speaker Dr. Raymond Gottschalk MB ChB FRCP(C) Director, Sleep Disorders Clinic, February 16th at the Oakville Conference Centre.  Fees for the combined 3-course dinner and speaker are only $55.00/member and $65.00/non-member. Space is limited and sales at the door are not possible.  Ticket registration is on-line at and e-transfer is available at

Oakville Conference Centre
2515 Wyecroft Rd
L7P 3N9

Community Event - Burlington/Oakville - Canadian Club of Halton Dinner / Speaker Series

Submitted by lhenry1 on
1663275600 1663290000

Kicking off the new season will be Ted Barris, award winning
journalist, author and broadcaster discussing his latest book Battle of the Atlantic:
Gauntlet to Victory scheduled for release this month. The event returns to the Oakville
Conference Centre on Thursday, September 15 th . Fees for the combined 3-course
dinner and speaker are only $55.00/member and $65.00/non-member. Space is limited
and sales at the door are not possible.  Ticket registration is on-line at and e-transfer is available at

Oakville Conference Centre
2515 Wyecroft Rd
L6L 6P8

Community Event - North Bay - Jazz at the Junction

Submitted by jroussy on
1663110000 1663119000

Tuesday Sept. 13th 7pm - 9:30pm

Join Jake Thomas with friends and family playing a plethora of jazz, blues & experimental sounds. 

at the West Ferris Legion 30 Legion Dr. North Bay

$10 / Jazz Club Member

$15 / non-members

West Ferris Legion
30 Legion Dr.
North Bay

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - The River City Reading Series

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1664060400 1664065800

Please join us for an evening of fiction and poetry readings with authors Carolyn Bennett, Sandra J. Jackson, Lois Lorimer, Rick Revelle and Christopher A. Taylor. A Q&A session will follow.


This event is part of Brockville Culture Days.


We acknowledge the support of the Canada Council for the Arts and the Writers' Union of Canada.

Medium Effort Fine Art Supplies
162 King St W, Brockville
K6V 3R5

Public Notices/Announcements - Sarnia - First Nations Cultural Tourism Event October 1st

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1664632800 1664650800

Join us at the family friendly First Nations event on Saturday, October 1, 2022 from 10am - 3pm at the Aamjiwnaang Community Centre, 1972 Virgil Ave. Sarnia, ON. The fun cultural event will feature First Nations culture & heritage, traditional drumming by Eagle Flight Drummers, storytelling, meet up close the Ojibway Spirit Horses, cultural dancers in their regalia including jingle dress, traditional and fancy shawl, 30 Artisans vendors, craft demonstrations, traditional food available and live entertainment with the Wilde Boys. This year's event theme is linking cultures and communities together.  Free admission.


Public Notices/Announcements - Sarnia - First Nations Cultural Tourism Event October 1st

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1664632800 1664650800

Join us at the family friendly First Nations event on Saturday, October 1, 2022 from 10am - 3pm at the Aamjiwnaang Community Centre, 1972 Virgil Ave. Sarnia, ON. The fun cultural event will feature First Nations culture & heritage, traditional drumming by Eagle Flight Drummers, storytelling, meet up close the Ojibway Spirit Horses, cultural dancers in their regalia including jingle dress, traditional and fancy shawl, 30 Artisans vendors, craft demonstrations, traditional food available and live entertainment with the Wilde Boys. This year's event theme is linking cultures and communities together.  Free admission.