Pueterborough Theatre Guild Auditions for The Crucible
The Crucible by Arthur Miller
Tony Award for Best Play
Director Jane Werger
Production Opening Night January 20th, 2023
Closing Night February 4th, 2023
Audition Dates and Times
Audition evening for Teenage Girls:
Tuesday, September 20 at 7:00 pm
Teenage Girls Callbacks:
Thursday, September 22 at 7:00 pm
Adult Auditions:
Sunday, September 11, and Tuesday, September 13 at 7:00 pm
Adult Callbacks:
Thursday, September 15 at 7:00 pm
Scripts and other reading material will only be available at the auditions.
For further information please contact:
Linda Conway – lindac.pbo@gmail.com or Elaine Orgill – elaineorgill6@gmail.com
Cast Requirements
Actors are required to look these age ranges, not necessarily be those ages
Elizabeth Proctor: 30’s to 40’s
Abigail Williams: early 20’s
Dual role for one female: Ann Putnam: 40’s / Sarah Good: 60’s
Tituba: 30’s to 40’s: must have Caribbean accent
Rebecca Nurse: 70’s
Mary Warren: late teens
Mercy Lewis: late teens
Betty Parris: early teens
Susanna Walcott: early teens
John Proctor: 30’s to 40’s
Rev. John Hale: 30’s to 40’s
Deputy Governor Danforth: 60’s
Rev. Samuel Parris: 40’s to 50’s
Dual role for one male: Thomas Putnam: 40’s to 50’s / John Willard: 30/s to 40’s
Judge Hathorne: 60’s
Giles Corey: 70’s to 80’s
Francis Nurse: 70’s
Ezekiel Cheever: 30’s to 50’s