Community Event - Quinte - Cybersecurity Series at Belleville Public Library

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1663005600 1663012800

It's a shattering violation of privacy, a near-perfect crime - and most victims don't even know they've been robbed until it's too late.

If you think it can't happen to you, think again. In 2020, over 7 thousand Canadians were victims of identity theft, the fastest growing crime in the country. And this is only the tip of the iceberg.

In this informative session, presenter Catalin Bobe, a veteran with more than 20 years in the information security trenches, will show you several ways you can protect yourself.

Identify Theft is the first of 4 sessions in a special Cybersecurity series presented by cybersecurity specialist Catalin Bobe.  Be sure to register for the rest of the series: 

  • Monday, October 17: Spyware
  • Monday, November 14: Safe internet use and online shopping
  • Monday, December 5: Secure mobile technology

These free courses take place in the 3rd floor Meeting Room. Attend one or attend them all! 

To register, call (613) 968-6731 x2037 or email

Belleville Public Library, 3rd Floor Meeting Room
254 Pinnacle Street
K8N 3B1

Community Event - Niagara - St. Ann Parish Pasta Night

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1660881600 1660967940

Thursday Sept 1st 4:30-7:00 Adults $12, under 5 $6. Pasta Meatballs salad and dessert!! 
5731 Desson Avenue Niagara Falls

St Ann Parish Hall
5731 Desson Ave
L2G 3V3
Niagara Falls

Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - ANAF Wings are back

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1661918400 1662004740

Come on out and say good-by to summer on Wednesday August 31st when wings will be returning to the menu along with the other snacks that we brought out this month. The food will be served from 5:30pm to 7pm. Karaoke with Luc St Denis from 6pm to 10pm. Tell your friends and come on out and have a good time. It's a great place to celebrate a birthday, anniversary or any other excuse to get out and socialize. 

Public Notices/Announcements - Peterborough/Lindsay - Peterborough Astronomical Assoc. Monthly Zoom Mtg.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1662156000 1662168600

The monthly meeting of the Peterborough Astronomical Association's (PAA) will take place online September 2nd, instead of at our customary location of the Rotary Education Centre/Guest Services Building, Riverview Park Zoo, but instead in your own home. Even Covid-19 cannot stop the spread of information and knowledge by the members of the PAA. Our work around involves using a platform called Zoom. To participate just make sure that in advance, you opened a (free) Zoom account on whatever iphone or tablet device you wish to participate with and then contact for the password and link to our evenings presentations.

Our “Novice Astronomy Classes” are focused on the practical aspects of learning about astronomy. You will be introduced to astronomy related subjects at a very basic level, but in a logical sequence.  This month's session is a continuation of our Astronomy Class Series, Lesson 6 in the series, “The Sun, Earth, Moon System. We will explore the characteristics of this three body system and the consequences that result.  We will discuss the many noticeable patterns, seasons, as well as lunar and solar eclipses.  After this lesson you will have a greater understanding of the intricate dance and the effect it has upon life on this planet. Come join us at the PAA’s next Novice Astronomy Class to tour our vast and spectacular solar system!

If you are even remotely interested, be on-line by 6:00 p.m. to see what you can learn about the Universe around you. The classes will run about 45 minutes each session, before our regular meeting resumes. There’s no obligation to stay for the meeting that follows, but you are more than welcome.

Shortly after 7:00 p.m. there will be a brief meeting. The main presentation for this month will be a “Tour of the Cedar Knoll Observatory”, by owner/operator and club member, Brett Hardy. This will comprise of an overview of the development of the site, renovation, equipment and operation. Brett’s tour will show you just how innovative and interesting building your own observatory complex can be. Tune in to see what you are missing by not being a member of the PAA. We guarantee you will see and learn things you never knew existed. A feast for the eyes and a thirsty mind. The price is right…it costs you nothing but your time.  

The Sky This Month will be posted on our club website for all to access. There will also be the usual opportunities to have your questions answered, at no cost. All we ask is that you register in advance at This is an all ages meeting and  the venue is totally barrier free. Just relax at home and “live and learn” as they say. Also, you don’t need a telescope to participate, but a curious mind helps.

Community Event - Quinte - Belleville Choral Society starts rehearsing!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1663023600 1663030800

Under the direction of Heather Christiansen, the Belleville Choral Society will be restarting rehearsals in preparation for a February 2023 concert.  First rehearsal will be Monday, Sept 12, 7 pm at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Belleville.  Visit the Belleville Choral Society Facebook page and click on the registration link, or email for more information.

St. Thomas Anglican Church
201 Church St
K8N 1M1

Community Event - Kingston - Kingston Grandmother Connection Yard Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1663419600 1663437600

Kingston Grandmother Connection’s Yard Sale – Saturday, September 17 from 9 am – 2 pm. 4767 Bath Rd./ Hwy 33 K0H1G0. 2 km west of Amherstview. Rain date is Sunday, September 18. Multiple tables with something for everyone: baby things, housewares, used books, treasures and more. We are raising funds to help African grandmothers and their families through and

4767 Bath Rd./Hwy 33
4767 Bath Rd./Hwy 33

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Sept. Fall Sale, Christ Church in Niagara Falls

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1662814800 1662825600
1663419600 1663473600

Saturday September 10th and Saturday, September 17th from 9 am 12 noon in the Memorial Hall  We have bake table, crafts, treasures,  baby quilts, pillows, books and puzzles.  Wheelchair accessible.   All are Welcome.                         

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Karaoke Night at Branch 644 Legion

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1660957200 1660968000

The Royal Canadian Legion Branch 644 on Marentette Avenue is having karaoke nights starting on Friday the 19th of August at 9 PM. 

Come dance and sing your hearts out with DJ Amazing Amanda!

All are welcome. You don't need to be a member to participate.


Community Event - Niagara - Peach Festival & Extended Bake Sale Aug. 25, 3-7PM

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1661454000 1661468400

We're Back!  Please join us for our Peach Festival on Thursday, August 25 3-7pm.  We have Peach Pies, Extended Bake Table, Preserves, Jams, Relish, New to You Table, Crafts, Doll Clothes, Meat Pies and Maple Syrup

St Joh's Anglican Church,
80 Main St.
L2N 4V2
St. Catharines