Community Event - Cornwall - Living life to the Full for Adults
Want to know how to feel happier, more confident, and worry less right now? Would you like to learn new ways of dealing with what life throws at you? Living Life to the Full is a fun and interactive course that will help you understand your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and what to do about them!
Congratulations, you’re about to change your life!
Too much to do? Is someone close to you is ill? Can’t sleep? Feeling lonely? The way you feel is affected by things that happen to you, and you feel bad because you’re in a vicious cycle. Learn how to stop the cycle!
Living Life to the Full is a mental health promotion course designed to help people deal with everyday life challenges and learn self-management skills using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) principles. Course content and materials are practical and easily applied to everyday life situations. The course is suitable for people of all ages – from youth to seniors.
What you learn:
✔ Self-confidence
✔ Problem-solving
✔ Stress management
✔ Motivation
✔ Dealing with unhelpful thoughts
✔ Anger management