Community Event - Niagara - Vendors Wanted for Fall Flea Market

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1662818400 1662832800

Friends Over 55 Recreation Centre at 554 Fielden Avenue, Port Colborne. Looking for Vendors for our fall Flea Market, Saturday, September 10, 2022, from 10 am to 2 pm.

Tables available inside and outside cost $15 per space (tables are 30" x 60" each) An popup canopy is provided for the outside spaces.

Call the Centre for more details at 905-835-1731 Deadline to rent a space is Friday, August 26 by 4:00 pm.

Friends Over 55 Recreation Centre
554 Fielden Avenue
L3K 4V1
Port Colborne

Public Notices/Announcements - Smiths Falls/Perth/North Grenville - Veterans Fundraiser Golf Tournament Fri., Sept. 23

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1659931200 1660017540

Mapleview Golf & Country Club outside Perth; shotgun start at noon; fundraiser for HOMES FOR HEROES (Kingston)

Cost - $70 non-members; $50 Mapleview members

Includes 18 holes of golf, cart, prizes

Everyone welcome 

Community Event - Cornwall - Free training for in-demand jobs

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1662469200 1662480000

If you're seeking employment or wanting to make a career change, this is an opportune time as Covid-19/lockdowns have created job openings/employee shuffle, adding to pre-existing workforce shortages in specific industries. To address these employee shortages, Tri-County Literacy Council is offering three new (free) programs for adult job seekers 19+:

·         If you enjoy interacting with others and a flexible work schedule, a Cashier position might be for you (6-week program starts September 6)

·         If you like the idea of always having cash and not taking work home, consider a career as a Food and Beverage Server (6-week program starts September 12)

·         The transportation industry shortages offer many opportunities such as Truck Driver, Dispatcher, Fleet Manager, Truck Mechanic, Route and Crew Scheduler, Shipper, Shipping Supervisor, and Truck Loader (5-week program starts October 24)

In these pilot programs, participants practice essential skills while learning about the specific topic chosen. To augment learning, industry guest speakers share their expertise with students. Successful completion of the program will result in job placements.

All persons are welcome to apply, including those with self-identified disabilities (ex: anxiety, depression, etc.). For more information, call Tri-County Literacy Council at 613-932-7161. Seats are limited.

Tri-County Literacy Council
101 Second Street West

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Scantily Clad August 19 and 20 at 7pm

Submitted by ssavage on
1660950000 1660957200
1661036400 1661043600

The stage at St. John’s United Church, 32 Park Street, in Brockville will be an extremely popular venue on Friday, August 19 and Saturday, August 20 at 7 p.m., as the talent and creativity of composer Howard Alexander and internationally known storyteller Deborah Dunleavy’s musical “Scantily Clad”, comes to life.

Written specially for the Youth Opportunities in the Arts (YOA), during the Covid-19 Pandemic shutdown, these two multitalented duo of Howard and Deborah, bring humour, drama, history, love and music, based on the actions of the 1930's. This young cast is remarkable in their deliverance of this musical melodrama. "We are excited to showcase our 12 young performers, who have dedicated their summer to stage this original musical melodrama on the St. John's Stage," commented Harold. "The world premiere of this fun filled show will be a blast." These performers are from North Grenville, Mallorytown, Morrisburg, Kemptville, Brockville and area.

There are about 20 musical tunes throughout the performance which you may think you know the words to. Not! Howard has a surprise for you.
"It is a very cute story about the rum runners of the 1000 Islands in the 1930's, during the prohibition," stated YOA Director Chris Coyea. "I must mention Judy Quick, our producer, as she has kept Harold (stage director) and me (musical director) on track and on our toes. As well as
Margaret Whissell; she's great with the kids and backing up our music."

Both Chris Coyea and Harold Hess indicate that the musical is a family show; noting that it is set in the 1930's. Bathing suits worn in that era were considered risqué, even though the body was covered. Quite different from bathing suits of today!

Ticket prices are adults $20, students $10, and under 12 years of age, are free. These tickets are available at the door the nights of the performances or purchase seats by emailing

YOA is a Brockville and area not for profit organization that supports the artistic endeavours of youth from age 13 to 30.

Media release written by Doreen Barnes.

St. John’s United Church
32 Park St

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Battle of Britain Ceremony

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1660017600 1660103940

434 (Niagara Peninsula) Wing Royal Canadian Air Force Association

Presents The Battle of Britain Ceremony, Sunday, September 18th 2022 @1.00 pm. Chippawa Park Cenotaph, Welland.

ALL ARE WELCOME TO ATTEND. Weather permitting there will be a flyover. For information please contact,

R. Lee at

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - The Lunch Bunch by Seniors at Home

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1662570000 1662577200

A full course lunch on Wednesday, September 7th from 1pm-3pm at Jim's Restaurant. Choice of Sandwiches Chicken Salad or Grilled Cheese. Entertainment by Jane Anne Lafont. Tickets $11 available at agency office until Friday September 2nd. All seniors over 55 and adults with disabilities welcome.

Jim's Restaurant
54 Elgin St W

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Food Drive for DTM & WYC

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1660944600 1660953600
1661002200 1661009400

Glenwood United Church 1825 Grand Marais W will be hosting a food drive for the Mission and Youth Centre.

Individual snacks is our main focus, WATER, peanut butter, CEREAL, Canned Protein.


No clothing.

Glenwood United Church
1825 Grand Marais W.
N9E 4W4

Community Event - Quinte - Pickleball starting up!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1660687200 1660694400
1660755600 1660762800
1660860000 1660867200

Registration is now open for the August 2022 session of Pickleball at the Quinte Curling Centre.  The focus is on  beginner/intermediate doubles play.

Pickleball sessions will be offered as follows and run for 5 weeks @ $50.00 (+HST) per session, beginning Tuesday, August 17:

Tuesday 6:00-8:00

Wednesday 1:00-3:00

Thursday 6:00-8:00

Note: Registrants may sign up for 1 day a week or multiple days a week with a dedicated partner or as a single and partner up each night.

As required with QCC curlers and based on club policy, proof of double vaccination must be provided  in order to play.


Quinte Curling Club
246 Bridge Street W
K8P 5L6

Community Event - Sarnia - 19th Annual Kiwanis Back to School BBQ

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1662217200 1662231600
1662307200 1662318000

Community Event for publication please -

What:  19th Annual Kiwanis/Staples Back to School BBQ

When: Saturday, Sept. 3

              Sunday, Sept. 4

Time:  11am - 3pm Saturday

              12 – 3pm Sunday

Where: In front of Staples on London Rd., Sarnia

COVID-19 Precautions in place.

All proceeds go to school supplies for children in Sarnia-Lambton

Cash, Debit or Credit payments available.

More information can be obtained from Sheila Donald -


Yours in Kiwanis Service,

Sheila Donald

Coordinator for “Staples for Education in Partnership with Kiwanis” Project

Sarnia-Lambton Golden K Kiwanis Club

"Serving the Children"

Staples Sarnia site
1379 London Rd. Unit 2
N7S 1P6