Public Notices/Announcements - Quinte - Curbside Pickup Takeout Meals for Seniors 60+

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1661443200 1661448600

Curbside pick up meal for seniors on Thursday, August 25th 2022 Prince Edward Community Care continues the monthly curbside pick-up of meals on Thursday, August 25th, 2022. Chef Bill Grieve of Wheelhouse and Occasions catering is preparing a scrumptious meal of chicken cordon bleu, homemade soup, vegetables, rice, bread and apple pie. The cost is $18.00/meal and seniors 60+ can order by calling the Community Care office at 613-476-7493. All meals must be paid in advance. Meals will be packaged hot and ready to be picked up at the Sophiasburgh Town Hall, 2771 Prince Edward County Road 5, Demorestville. Only those who preorder and pay will be served. To order, or for more information, call 613-476-7493. Orders will be taken until 4:30p.m on Monday, August 22nd. 

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Knights in the Classroom

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1660053600 1660060800

There will be two 1hr. interactive presentations entitled Evolutions of Arms and Armour and Historical Martial Arts.  Geared for ages 8-12 and must be accompanied by an adult.  Presentation is free due to the generous sponsorship of Klinck Excavation.

Renfrew Presbyterian Church Kirk Hall
460 Raglan St. S.
K7V 1R8