Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Heat Warning Issued In Pembroke
The City of Pembroke is issuing a heat warning extending to Friday July 22, 2022.
A heat warning is issued through Environment Canada when very high temperatures or
humidity conditions are expected to pose a higher risk of heat illnesses such as heat
stroke or heat exhaustion. Daytime high temperatures reaching nearly 31 Celsius with
humidex factors in the upper thirties are expected today and tomorrow.
Extreme heat can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion, heat stroke and even death.
Young children, pregnant women, older adults, people working or exercising outdoors
and the chronically ill are at greatest risk. However, anyone can suffer from heat-related
illnesses, especially early in the summer when people have not yet acclimatized.
Protection from the heat according to Health Canada includes drinking plenty of fluids,
wearing light coloured clothing including a hat, having access to air-conditioning or
block the sun by closing curtains or blinds during the day and cooling down in the
shade, swimming facility or cool shower.
The City of Pembroke is encouraging people to touch base those who may need
assistance, such as the elderly and chronically ill. If you or someone you know is at risk
and has nowhere to shelter from the heat this week, they may go to one of the following
cooling centers:
Pembroke Mall 1100 Pembroke
Street East 10 am to 7 pm 9:30 am to 6 pm
Pembroke Public Library 237 Victoria Street
Mon – Thurs.
10:00 – 8:00
Fri – Sat
10 am - 5:30 pm
St. John Ambulance 310 Mackay Street
Mon – Thurs
8:30 - 4:00
Information is available by calling the City of Pembroke at 613-735-6821 or on the City’s
website. More information is also available through Health Canada.