Community Event - Burlington/Oakville - HBHAS Emancipation Art Exhibition
The Halton Black History Awareness Society's (HBHAS) 5th Annual Emancipation Art Exhibition is an opportunity for the public to view a number of exquisite Canadian Black Art Productions and experience their artistry of love, bondage, beauty, family, and expression in illustrating their "Freedom" - their Emancipation.
“Black Art tells the story of history, pain, persistency, humility, family, creativity, harmony, hope, love, and life as shown through Halton Black History Awareness Society’s annual Emancipation “Freedom” Art Exhibition. The Artists portrayals illustrate the transition of life and the spirit of freedom conquered.”
Enjoy the artistry of our esteemed contributors to the Emancipation Art Exhibition.
“ART has the power to change the world, the power to inspire, the power to unite people in a way that little else can.
ART speaks to people in a language they understand.
ART can create hope where there was once only despair. Art is an instrument for peace …” – our most predominant goal and aspiration.
Nobel Laureate, Nelson Mandela