Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Eddy & The Stingrays at the Brockville Legion
Eddy & The Stingrays
Friday, September 30th 8 pm 12 am
Tickets $30 person
Tickets Sold at the Brockville Legion
Public Welcome
Eddy & The Stingrays
Friday, September 30th 8 pm 12 am
Tickets $30 person
Tickets Sold at the Brockville Legion
Public Welcome
2 piece Dinner $15. 1 piece Dinner $11. Fried or Baked Haddock and Fries or Baked Potato and Coleslaw. Eat In or Take-Out. Everyone is Welcome!
A psychic Fair & Market being held at 1227 Baseline Road Severn Bridge from 2pm to 7pm on JULY 9th 2022 Local Psychic Medium Bonnie Thew will be doing readings as well as Mystic Mandy and Rhonda Dea.
we have 15 vendors at the moment and food will be available. and carriage rides are included in the gate admission.
Contact: Christine at 705 689 0182 or Amanda at 1519 216 1545 for more information
Concerts in Victoria Park every Tuesday evening during July & August performed by the Concert Band of Cobourg. Start time is 7:30 pm.
Concerts in Victoria Park every Tuesday evening during July & August performed by the Concert Band of Cobourg. Start time is 7:30 pm.
Our annual Yard Sale/ Pie & Bake Sale will be held Saturday August 6th from 8 am to noon at Centennial Road Church Parking Lot. Come out and support our yard sale! Funds raised will support our humanitarian projects in Ghana, West Africa (school, library, computer training, small business loans). Donations are welcome (no clothing please)
Active Living Programs for July for seniors 60+ available 5 days/week
Prince Edward Community Care offers over 50 online events each month for seniors 60+. In-person programming is slowly and safely being reintroduced. There is a low annual membership fee of $25.00. Online Zoom fitness and arts classes along with socials are held Monday to Friday. Go to the website for all the details. Closed captioning is available for the webinar events listed above. Get active, make friends, be well. For more information or to participate, call Prince Edward Community Care at 613-476-7493, email or check the activity calendar on the Community Care website at
Active Living Programs for July for seniors 60+ available 5 days/week
Prince Edward Community Care offers over 50 online events each month for seniors 60+. In-person programming is slowly and safely being reintroduced. There is a low annual membership fee of $25.00. Online Zoom fitness and arts classes along with socials are held Monday to Friday. Go to the website for all the details. Closed captioning is available for the webinar events listed above. Get active, make friends, be well. For more information or to participate, call Prince Edward Community Care at 613-476-7493, email or check the activity calendar on the Community Care website at
Curbside pick up meal for seniors on Thursday, July 28th 2022
Prince Edward Community Care continues the monthly curbside pick-up of meals on Thursday, July 28, 2022. Chef Bill Grieve of Wheelhouse and Occasions catering is preparing a scrumptious meal of roast beef, homemade soup, vegetables, potato, bread and coconut cream pie. The cost is $18.00/meal and seniors 60+ can order by calling the Community Care office at 613-476-7493. All meals must be paid in advance. Meals will be packaged hot and ready to be picked up at the Milford Town Hall, 3076 County Road 10, Milford . Only those who preorder and pay will be served. To order, or for more information, call 613-476-7493. Orders will be taken until 4:30p.m on Monday, July 25th.
Curbside pick up meal for seniors on Thursday, July 28th 2022
Prince Edward Community Care continues the monthly curbside pick-up of meals on Thursday, July 28, 2022. Chef Bill Grieve of Wheelhouse and Occasions catering is preparing a scrumptious meal of roast beef, homemade soup, vegetables, potato, bread and coconut cream pie. The cost is $18.00/meal and seniors 60+ can order by calling the Community Care office at 613-476-7493. All meals must be paid in advance. Meals will be packaged hot and ready to be picked up at the Milford Town Hall, 3076 County Road 10, Milford . Only those who preorder and pay will be served. To order, or for more information, call 613-476-7493. Orders will be taken until 4:30p.m on Monday, July 25th.