Community Event - Niagara - Join and Support Emma's Walk for Hydrocephalus!
Emma’s Walk for Hydrocephalus will take place on Merritt Island in Welland, ON at 10:00 am. Emma’s goal is to raise awareness of hydrocephalus, a neurological condition that can develop at any time throughout a person’s lifespan. Emma St. Aubin’s journey with hydrocephalus started shortly after birth at 6 weeks old when she was diagnosed with the condition and had brain surgery to implant a shunt to keep her alive.
Hydrocephalus is often referred to as “water on the brain”. It can develop at any time of life and is caused when there is a blockage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that cushion the brain and spinal cord. The blockage causes pockets in the brain to swell. Treatment is typically brain surgery to insert a shunt system that moves the excess fluid to another part of the body (usually the abdomen) to be reabsorbed. If left untreated it can cause varying degrees of brain damage. People impacted by hydrocephalus, even after treatment can have serious challenges, including chronic headaches, seizures, multiple revisions, extreme fatigue, nausea, incontinence, as well as a decline in academic and professional performance.
Oftentimes, it is rare for a person to go their entire life with one surgery. Emma has had multiple complications and surgeries since she was first diagnosed. Her most recent surgery in May for a blocked shunt, spearheaded her need to raise awareness and funds for Hydrocephalus Canada’s research program, support programs and services across the country.
“Unfortunately there is no cure, however I hope that one day there will be, so that no one has to go through multiple brain surgeries like myself and many others. That is why we need your help to find a cure!” comments Emma.
To learn more about Emma’s Walk for Hydrocephalus” visit her giving page at To register for the event, or request an interview contact Emma's mom Amy at 905-788-6720 or #hydrocephalus #spinabifida