Community Event - Niagara - Join and Support Emma's Walk for Hydrocephalus!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1656165600 1656172800

Emma’s Walk for Hydrocephalus will take place on Merritt Island in Welland, ON at 10:00 am. Emma’s goal is to raise awareness of hydrocephalus, a neurological condition that can develop at any time throughout a person’s lifespan. Emma St. Aubin’s journey with hydrocephalus started shortly after birth at 6 weeks old when she was diagnosed with the condition and had brain surgery to implant a shunt to keep her alive.

Hydrocephalus is often referred to as “water on the brain”. It can develop at any time of life and is caused when there is a blockage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) that cushion the brain and spinal cord. The blockage causes pockets in the brain to swell. Treatment is typically brain surgery to insert a shunt system that moves the excess fluid to another part of the body (usually the abdomen) to be reabsorbed. If left untreated it can cause varying degrees of brain damage. People impacted by hydrocephalus, even after treatment can have serious challenges, including chronic headaches, seizures, multiple revisions, extreme fatigue, nausea, incontinence, as well as a decline in academic and professional performance.

Oftentimes, it is rare for a person to go their entire life with one surgery. Emma has had multiple complications and surgeries since she was first diagnosed. Her most recent surgery in May for a blocked shunt, spearheaded her need to raise awareness and funds for Hydrocephalus Canada’s research program, support programs and services across the country.

“Unfortunately there is no cure, however I hope that one day there will be, so that no one has to go through multiple brain surgeries like myself and many others. That is why we need your help to find a cure!” comments Emma.

To learn more about Emma’s Walk for Hydrocephalus” visit her giving page at To register for the event, or request an interview contact Emma's mom Amy at 905-788-6720 or #hydrocephalus #spinabifida

Merritt Island
8 Merrit Island
M8Y 1H2
Welland, ON

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - BIAWE Golf 11 Annual Golf Tournament

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1656043200 1656129540 





















Dear Golfers and Supporters of the Brain Injury Association of Windsor and Essex County (BIAWE),


We are planning a fantastic golf tournament this year. We anticipate a return to more normal times – with golf and dinner after the game.


Registration: 11:30 to 1:00 p.m.

Tee Times: This year the tournament will have tee times (instead of a shotgun start) commencing at 12 noon and until 1:30 p.m.

Format: Texas Scramble – 4 person teams

Price: $150 per person ($75 for KGC Members) which includes 

Golf, Cart, Range Balls,Dinner, Auction, Raffle, Putting Contest, and other good things….

Deadline Date to Register: September 8, 2022

To register and make your payment, please go to our website

OR you may mail a cheque and registration form to: Brain Injury Association of Windsor and Essex County, 856 Victor Dr. Windsor, ON   N8S 2S7 OR etransfer to with form.

Tee times are available on a First come - First served basis.


BIAWE is a registered charity which relies on donations and fundraisers to continue its mission of supporting persons affected by acquired brain injuries and their families and caregivers. 


Each year 165,000 Canadians suffer an acquired brain injury (ABI).  The annual incidence of acquired brain injury in Canada is 44 times more common than spinal cord injuries, 30 times more common than breast cancer, and 400 times more common than HIV/AIDS. 


We hope that you will join us on Thursday, September 22, 2022.


If you have any questions, please call me Brian Watling at 519.791.2113. You can also contact Anna Jurak at BIAWE at 519.981.1329 or 





Brian Watling Biawe Volunteer





















Dear Golfers and Supporters of the Brain Injury Association of Windsor and Essex County (BIAWE),


We are planning a fantastic golf tournament this year. We anticipate a return to more normal times – with golf and dinner after the game.


Registration: 11:30 to 1:00 p.m.

Tee Times: This year the tournament will have tee times (instead of a shotgun start) commencing at 12 noon and until 1:30 p.m.

Format: Texas Scramble – 4 person teams

Price: $150 per person ($75 for KGC Members) which includes 

Golf, Cart, Range Balls,Dinner, Auction, Raffle, Putting Contest, and other good things….

Deadline Date to Register: September 8, 2022

To register and make your payment, please go to our website

OR you may mail a cheque and registration form to: Brain Injury Association of Windsor and Essex County, 856 Victor Dr. Windsor, ON   N8S 2S7 OR etransfer to with form.

Tee times are available on a First come - First served basis.


BIAWE is a registered charity which relies on donations and fundraisers to continue its mission of supporting persons affected by acquired brain injuries and their families and caregivers. 


Each year 165,000 Canadians suffer an acquired brain injury (ABI).  The annual incidence of acquired brain injury in Canada is 44 times more common than spinal cord injuries, 30 times more common than breast cancer, and 400 times more common than HIV/AIDS. 


We hope that you will join us on Thursday, September 22, 2022.


If you have any questions, please call me Brian Watling at 519.791.2113. You can also contact Anna Jurak at BIAWE at 519.981.1329 or 





Brian Watling Biawe Volunteer

Kingsville Golf & Country Club
640 Essex County Rd 20
N9Y 2E6
Kingsville, Ontario

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Fishing Derby Saturday, July 9th Brockville Legion

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1657360800 1657404000

Brockville Legion
Fishing Derby
Saturday July, 9th  2022
Tickets  $10. pp. on sale at  The Brockville Legion 
and Wings Live Bait and Tackle.
Ticket sale ends Thursday, July 7th
One entry per category
Weigh in time 1 pm – 3 pm 
BBQ available from 1-4 pm 
Prize awarded at 5 pm 
For more information please call 
Office 613-345-0473 or lounge 613-342-7687

Public Welcome

Brockville Legion
180 Park Street, Brockville
Office 613-345-0473

Brockville Legion Branch 96
180 Park Street
K6V 5T7

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Riverview Gardens Needs Registered Practical Nurse

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1656043200 1656129540

Riverview Gardens Long-Term Care Home is looking for applicants for Casual Call-in Registered Practical Nurse. This position would be scheduled a minimum of 22.5 hours each work, up to 37.5 hours. For more information, call 519-401-2009 or visit to apply today!

Community Event - North Bay - Multiculturalism Day and Culture Days Launch

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1656345600 1656349200

Live music at Kiwanis bandshell noon with MEDUSSAH to celebrate 2022 Culture Days opening September. This Monday June 27th we launch our 2022 events with live music to celebrate June 27th Multiculturalism Day and appreciate our sponsors who help us each year to hold events in September for the national Culture Days.

Join us to celebrate with live music from local musicians Samanta Izquierdo and Sebastian Gabela. We will be giving our hand-crafted awards to sponsors and launching the music, food, dance, theatre and cooking events of September 2022. 

Kinsmen Bandshell North Bay Waterfront
Memorial Drive
P1A 1T5
North Bay

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Pembroke Legion Saturday Night Dances 7pm - 11pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1656802800 1656817200
1657407600 1657422000
1658012400 1658026800
1659178800 1659236400
1658080800 1658095200
1658944800 1658959200

All Saturday night dances 7-11pm

July 2 greenwood 

July 9 country reflections 

July 16 smooth country 

July 23  lonesome dreamers 

July 30 the heartbreakers 

Pembroke Legion Branch 72 Sunday Social Dance July 17th. Music by Ian Hamilton & Friends.
2-6 P.M. Cost $8:00. Donation of food greatly appreciated for Pot Luck Supper at 5:00 P.M.  

July 27 monthly birthday jam 2-6pm

Pembroke legion
202 pembroke st

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Fishing Tournament Saturday, July 9th

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1657357200 1657400400

Fishing Tournament

Brockville Legion

Saturday July, 9th  2022

Tickets on sale at  the Brockville Legion

And Wings Live Bait and Tackle.

Ticket sale ends Thursday, July 7th

Weigh in time 1 pm – 3 pm

BBQ available from 1-4 pm


Prize awarded at 5 pm

For more information please call

Office 613-345-0473 or lounge 613-342-7687

Brockville Legion Branch 96
180 Park Street
K6V 5T7

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Yard Sale and BBQ at Bedford United Church

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1655956800 1656043140

July 9th from 9a-3p. Many items available, home goods, baked goods, meat pies and books just to name a few.  We will be in the back of the Church where there is lots of parking-off Russell St. If it rains, not to worry!  We will be in the basement, please use side door.

3340 Sandwich St. Windsor.    519-256-1131

Bedford United Church
3340 Sandwich St
N9C 1B3