Community Event - Sarnia - Official Dedications: Froomefield & SS Kate Bully
Official Double Dedications of Heritage St. Clair: Froomefield Pioneer Cemetery Storyboard and Cairn & Schooner Kate Bully Storyboard – Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 10 a.m. & 10:30 a.m.
Heritage St. Clair, the municipal heritage committee of St. Clair Township, and the Mayor and St. Clair Township Councillors invite everyone to attend the official dedication of the cemetery cairn and storyboard commemorating the Froomefield Pioneer Cemetery in Froomefield at 10 a.m.
The names and dates of those who are inscribed on the deteriorating gravestones of this pioneer cemetery of the original and only church in Froomefield (St. Mary’s Anglican) have been recorded on a new cairn.
After the dedications in Froomefield, we will travel 3 minutes south to McGlashan’s Point at the south end of Guthrie Park for the official dedication of the Schooner Kate Bully storyboard at 10:30 a.m.
The storyboard honours the crew and the brief life of the Schooner Kate Bully, the only commercial ship ever built in Corunna and area. The schooner proved no match for a gale on Lake Michigan in 1869.
Official Dedication #1
What: Froomefield Pioneer Cemetery Official Dedication of Storyboard and Cemetery Cairn
Where: Froomefield Pioneer Cemetery, corner of St. Clair Parkway and Church St., Froomefield
When: Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 10 a.m.
Official Dedication #2
What: Schooner Kate Bully Official Dedication of Storyboard – Only commercial ship ever built in Corunna and area
Where: McGlashan’s Point (south end of Guthrie Park, St. Clair Parkway)
When: Saturday, June 25, 2022 at 10:30 a.m.
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