Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Visit the City Classic Car Show - July 24, 2022

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1658674800 1658692800

Come out and enjoy the nice weather as you stroll amongst beautiful classic cars. Shop local artisan vendors for unique items on the Fogolar Furlan Club premises. Plein Air Artists will be painting on site. There will be door prizes/raffles! Food and drinks are available for purchase.

Classic Car Enthusiasts who register for to participate in the event will receive Dash Plaque. Register early as there are gifts for the first 150 pre-registered cars. There are also trophies for the best 3 cars.

Registrants can call the Fogolar (519-966-2230) to register their car and pay the $10 registration fee per car. Viewing is free for the general public.

Proceeds to benefit the Welcome Centre Shelter For Women.

For more information or for student volunteering opportunities at this event, contact the Fogolar Furlan Women’s Association, at



Fogolar Furlan Windsor
1800 North Service Rd E
N8W 1Y3
Windsor, ON

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Lakefield Homecoming August 5-7, 2022

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1659672000 1659758340
1659758400 1659844740
1659844800 1659931140

Join us for Lakefield Homecoming! A weekend to celebrate the Village of Lakefield, and bring the past and present together. All are welcome to join in the festivities August 5-7, 2022.

Events Include: 

- Opening Reception BBQ, Lakefield Legion
- Self Guided Tour of Historic Lakefield
- Sidewalk Sale, Queen Street
- Golf Tournament, Katchiwano Golf & Country Club
- Memorial Stone & Bench Installation to Moses & Nellie Marsden and the Michi Saagig People
- Dance feat. the band 'Gravy', Lakefield Community Centre
- Classic Car Show, Isabel Morris Park

And much more! 

Visit for more details on these events.

Various Locations
K0L 2H0
Lakefield, Ontario

Community Event - North Bay - Saturday Night Dance with Keith Whitfield

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1658014200 1658030100

Saturday July 16 2022, come and dance at Club 135! Entertainment by Keith Whitfield, at the North Bay Golden Age Club
Doors open at 7:30 pm, dance starts at 8:00 pm. Cost for members is $5.00 (you must show your valid Membership card) and non-members $7.00
Cash Bar with sandwiches available to purchase.
Vaccinations required.
Bring your Friends... The more, the merrier!

North Bay Golden Age Club
135 Worthington Street West
P1B 8M6
North Bay

Community Event - North Bay - Saturday Night Dance with Back In Tyme

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1657409400 1657425300

Saturday July 9 2022, come and dance at Club 135! Entertainment by Back In Tyme, at the North Bay Golden Age Club
Doors open at 7:30 pm, dance starts at 8:00 pm. Cost for members is $5.00 (you must show your valid Membership card) and non-members $7.00
Cash Bar with sandwiches available to purchase.
Vaccinations required.
Bring your friends... The more, the merrier!

North Bay Golden Age Club
135 Worthington Street West
P1B 8M6
North Bay