Community Event - North Bay - Saturday Night Dance with Keith Whitfield

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1655595000 1655611140

Saturday June 18 2022, come and dance at Club 135! Entertainment by Keith Whitfield, at the North Bay Golden Age Club
Doors open at 7:30 pm, dance starts at 8:00 pm. Cost for members is $5.00 (you must show your valid Membership card) and non-members $7.00
Cash Bar with sandwiches available to purchase.

North Bay Golden Age Club
135 Worthington Street West, Ground Floor Office
P1B 8M6
North Bay

Community Event - North Bay - Saturday Night Dance at Club 135

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654990200 1655006340

Saturday June 11 2022, come and dance at Club 135! Entertainment by Double D Music, at the North Bay Golden Age Club
Doors open at 7:30 pm, dance starts at 8:00 pm. Cost for members is $5.00 (you must show your valid Membership card) and non-members $7.00
Cash Bar with sandwiches available to purchase.

North Bay Golden Age Club
135 Worthington Street West, Ground Floor Office
P1B 8M6
North Bay


Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654488000 1654574340

St. Joseph’s Hospice Sarnia Lambton is looking for volunteers in different areas, from our Kitchen, to Reception, to Supportive Services. To apply or learn more about St. Joseph’s Hospice Volunteer Opportunities, please call LeeAnne Feddes, Volunteer Program Coordinator, at 519-337-0537.

St. Joseph's Hospice Sarnia Lambton
475 Christina St. N.
N7T 5W3
Sarnia, ON

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Pembroke Legion Events

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1653883200 1653969540

The Pembroke Legion has dances with live bands  every Saturday night from 7 to 11 everyone is welcome you do not need to be a member there is no cover charge and it’s not just for the elderly everyone is welcome!  

june 4th is lock stock and barrel

une 11- the John priebe band

june 18 - lonesome dreamers

june 25 - the heartbreakers  

there is also a monthly birthday Jam the last Wednesday of every month from 2 to 6 june 29th

also the Sunday social dance is June 26th from 2-6 

Pembroke legion
202 pembroke st

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Northumberland Chorus Rehearsals

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654556400 1654565400

We at Northumberland Chorus, are a welcoming, inclusive group of women dedicated to helping each other
improve our musical abilities while sharing the joy of four-part harmony with our community.

Come join us, at our regular rehearsals, every Monday from 7:00 to 9:30.  Columbus Hall, 232 Spencer St. E.

We have a lot of fun while learning to make beautiful music,


Columbus Community Hall
232 Spencer St. E.
K9A 1C5

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Medical Alert Service & Anti Fraud Presentations

Submitted by ttierney on
1654621200 1654624800
1654707600 1654711200

June 7, 2022 Lifeline Canada's #1 Medical Alert Service

1:00 - 2:00 Presented by the Renfrew and Seniors' Home Support at the Golden Age Activity Centre

212 Raglan Street South Renfrew

June 8, 2022 Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre Presentation

1:00-2:30 presented by Renfrew Seniors' Home Support at the Golden Age Activity Centre

212 Raglan Street South Renfrew



Phone: 6134327691

Golden Age Activity Centre
212 Raglan Street
K7V 1R1

Community Event - Niagara - Women's Place Book Riot returns!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654632000 1654650000
1654696800 1654736400
1654783200 1654822800
1654912800 1654995600
1654952400 1654981200
1655038800 1655067600

The books are back! We hope you will be too!

Join Women’s Place for Canada’s biggest and best used book sale June 7-12, Visit our website for all the details.

Gale Centre
5152 Thorold Stone Rd
L2E 0A2
NIagara Falls