Public Notices/Announcements - Quinte - JETHRO TULL’S MARTIN BARRE AQUALUNG 50TH ANNIV

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1657323000 1657333800

In 1969, a band of four English musicians arrived in New York and literally took America by storm. Over the next 50 years, this legendary band accumulated over 65 million record sales and a following of loyal fans that are the envy of rock bands worldwide! This band was Jethro Tull.

Aqualung, probably the most famous and celebrated of all of Jethro Tull’s albums, is now celebrating 50 years since its release in 1971. At the centre of Tull’s unique sound is guitarist Martin Barre, who is renowned for his formidable mastery of historic riffs, power chords and soaring melodic solos.

Martin is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of the iconic and legendary album Aqualung with a worldwide tour throughout 2021. Territories will include South America, USA, Canada and Europe.. He will be bringing a spectacular show playing the album in its entirety with his touring band The Martin Barre Band – featuring Dan Crisp on lead vocals, Alan Thomson on keyboard, and Darby Todd on drums; together with former Jethro Tull band member Clive Bunker on drums and percussion.

Martin says: “Aqualung was the album that defined Tull. Sumptuous melodies, big dynamics and power riffs galore. Acoustic met electric…and it all worked.

The anniversary tour will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to sit back and relive this legendary album, being played in full and in sequence for the first time.

About Martin Barre:

Martin Barre was Jethro Tull’s guitarist for over 43 years. His sound and playing was a major factor in their success. Album sales have exceeded 60 million units and they continue to be played worldwide, representing an important part of classic rock history.

Martin’s guitar playing has earned him a high level of respect and recognition. His solos were voted 25th best solo ever in the USA and 20th best solo ever in the UK for his playing on ‘Aqualung’ . His playing on the album ‘Crest of a Knave’ earned him a Grammy award in 1989.

As well as numerous Jethro Tull albums, Martin has worked with many other artists including Paul McCartney, Phil Collins, Gary Moore, Joe Bonamassa and Chris Thompson and has shared the stage with such legends as Jimi Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin.

About Special Guest:

Clive Bunker – was the original drummer with Tull and played on Stand UpBenefit & Aqualung he was part of the original band that stormed the USA from 1969.

Public Notices/Announcements - Ottawa Valley - JETHRO TULL’S MARTIN BARRE AQUALUNG 50TH ANNIV

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1657152000 1657162800

In 1969, a band of four English musicians arrived in New York and literally took America by storm. Over the next 50 years, this legendary band accumulated over 65 million record sales and a following of loyal fans that are the envy of rock bands worldwide! This band was Jethro Tull.

Aqualung, probably the most famous and celebrated of all of Jethro Tull’s albums, is now celebrating 50 years since its release in 1971. At the centre of Tull’s unique sound is guitarist Martin Barre, who is renowned for his formidable mastery of historic riffs, power chords and soaring melodic solos.

Martin is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of the iconic and legendary album Aqualung with a worldwide tour throughout 2021. Territories will include South America, USA, Canada and Europe.. He will be bringing a spectacular show playing the album in its entirety with his touring band The Martin Barre Band – featuring Dan Crisp on lead vocals, Alan Thomson on keyboard, and Darby Todd on drums; together with former Jethro Tull band member Clive Bunker on drums and percussion.

Martin says: “Aqualung was the album that defined Tull. Sumptuous melodies, big dynamics and power riffs galore. Acoustic met electric…and it all worked.

The anniversary tour will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to sit back and relive this legendary album, being played in full and in sequence for the first time.

About Martin Barre:

Martin Barre was Jethro Tull’s guitarist for over 43 years. His sound and playing was a major factor in their success. Album sales have exceeded 60 million units and they continue to be played worldwide, representing an important part of classic rock history.

Martin’s guitar playing has earned him a high level of respect and recognition. His solos were voted 25th best solo ever in the USA and 20th best solo ever in the UK for his playing on ‘Aqualung’ . His playing on the album ‘Crest of a Knave’ earned him a Grammy award in 1989.

As well as numerous Jethro Tull albums, Martin has worked with many other artists including Paul McCartney, Phil Collins, Gary Moore, Joe Bonamassa and Chris Thompson and has shared the stage with such legends as Jimi Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin.

About Special Guest:

Clive Bunker – was the original drummer with Tull and played on Stand UpBenefit & Aqualung he was part of the original band that stormed the USA from 1969.

Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - Indoor & Parking Lot Bazaars

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1653537600 1653623940

Saturday, June 11 & July 9 from 9am-2pm

Église Sacré Coeur Church Hall Indoors & Parking Lot at 72 Empire St., Welland

Come see a Variety of Amazing Crafters & Vendors, Draws, Penny Sale

Music by DJ Tommy & Food By Southside Catering & 50/50

Everyone Welcome! For more information contact: Angèle at 905-714-7005

Public Notices/Announcements - Cobourg/Port Hope - JETHRO TULL’S MARTIN BARRE AQUALUNG 50TH ANNIV

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1657323000 1657333800

In 1969, a band of four English musicians arrived in New York and literally took America by storm. Over the next 50 years, this legendary band accumulated over 65 million record sales and a following of loyal fans that are the envy of rock bands worldwide! This band was Jethro Tull.

Aqualung, probably the most famous and celebrated of all of Jethro Tull’s albums, is now celebrating 50 years since its release in 1971. At the centre of Tull’s unique sound is guitarist Martin Barre, who is renowned for his formidable mastery of historic riffs, power chords and soaring melodic solos.

Martin is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of the iconic and legendary album Aqualung with a worldwide tour throughout 2021. Territories will include South America, USA, Canada and Europe.. He will be bringing a spectacular show playing the album in its entirety with his touring band The Martin Barre Band – featuring Dan Crisp on lead vocals, Alan Thomson on keyboard, and Darby Todd on drums; together with former Jethro Tull band member Clive Bunker on drums and percussion.

Martin says: “Aqualung was the album that defined Tull. Sumptuous melodies, big dynamics and power riffs galore. Acoustic met electric…and it all worked.

The anniversary tour will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to sit back and relive this legendary album, being played in full and in sequence for the first time.

About Martin Barre:

Martin Barre was Jethro Tull’s guitarist for over 43 years. His sound and playing was a major factor in their success. Album sales have exceeded 60 million units and they continue to be played worldwide, representing an important part of classic rock history.

Martin’s guitar playing has earned him a high level of respect and recognition. His solos were voted 25th best solo ever in the USA and 20th best solo ever in the UK for his playing on ‘Aqualung’ . His playing on the album ‘Crest of a Knave’ earned him a Grammy award in 1989.

As well as numerous Jethro Tull albums, Martin has worked with many other artists including Paul McCartney, Phil Collins, Gary Moore, Joe Bonamassa and Chris Thompson and has shared the stage with such legends as Jimi Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin.

About Special Guest:

Clive Bunker – was the original drummer with Tull and played on Stand UpBenefit & Aqualung he was part of the original band that stormed the USA from 1969.

Public Notices/Announcements - Cobourg/Port Hope - JETHRO TULL’S MARTIN BARRE AQUALUNG 50TH ANNIV

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1657582200 1657593000

In 1969, a band of four English musicians arrived in New York and literally took America by storm. Over the next 50 years, this legendary band accumulated over 65 million record sales and a following of loyal fans that are the envy of rock bands worldwide! This band was Jethro Tull.

Aqualung, probably the most famous and celebrated of all of Jethro Tull’s albums, is now celebrating 50 years since its release in 1971. At the centre of Tull’s unique sound is guitarist Martin Barre, who is renowned for his formidable mastery of historic riffs, power chords and soaring melodic solos.

Martin is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the release of the iconic and legendary album Aqualung with a worldwide tour throughout 2021. Territories will include South America, USA, Canada and Europe.. He will be bringing a spectacular show playing the album in its entirety with his touring band The Martin Barre Band – featuring Dan Crisp on lead vocals, Alan Thomson on keyboard, and Darby Todd on drums; together with former Jethro Tull band member Clive Bunker on drums and percussion.

Martin says: “Aqualung was the album that defined Tull. Sumptuous melodies, big dynamics and power riffs galore. Acoustic met electric…and it all worked.

The anniversary tour will be a once in a lifetime opportunity to sit back and relive this legendary album, being played in full and in sequence for the first time.

About Martin Barre:

Martin Barre was Jethro Tull’s guitarist for over 43 years. His sound and playing was a major factor in their success. Album sales have exceeded 60 million units and they continue to be played worldwide, representing an important part of classic rock history.

Martin’s guitar playing has earned him a high level of respect and recognition. His solos were voted 25th best solo ever in the USA and 20th best solo ever in the UK for his playing on ‘Aqualung’ . His playing on the album ‘Crest of a Knave’ earned him a Grammy award in 1989.

As well as numerous Jethro Tull albums, Martin has worked with many other artists including Paul McCartney, Phil Collins, Gary Moore, Joe Bonamassa and Chris Thompson and has shared the stage with such legends as Jimi Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin.

About Special Guest:

Clive Bunker – was the original drummer with Tull and played on Stand UpBenefit & Aqualung he was part of the original band that stormed the USA from 1969.

Community Event - North Bay - The Friends of Laurier Woods - Walk with Friends

Submitted by jroussy on
1653742800 1653753600

The Friends of Laurier Woods, a non-profit charitable organization, is once again offering free interpretive hikes. The two-hour walks, led by members of the Friends of Laurier Woods and local environmental experts, will provide hikers with bountiful observations and information specific to their area of expertise. Currently two walks are scheduled to take place Saturday, May 28th. Starting at 9:00am well-known birder, Dick Tafel will lead a walk giving seasoned and novice birders the opportunity to discuss and view a wide range of spring species including warblers, thrushes, kinglets and ducks. Additionally, Dick’s hike will focus on the magnificent natural features within the woods. Lori Beckerton, plant enthusiast will lead the 10:00am walk, identifying edible, medicinal and poisonous features of a variety of plant species. Registration is required for the plant walk, as enrollment is limited to the first 15 people. If there is enough interest Lori is willing to offer a second outing. To sign up, contact Lori at All hikes will leave from the Brule Street parking lot. The hikes will take place rain or shine (thunderstorms excepted) and come prepared for weather conditions and bugs.. Participants are reminded to wear appropriate footwear. The Laurier Woods Conservation Area, within the heart of the City of North Bay, features a 18 kilometre trail network through significant wetlands and upland forest. The 250-acre area is home to a variety of woodland and wetland creatures. The Friends of Laurier Woods was established in 1990 as a volunteer body to preserve Laurier Woods for future generations to enjoy. In 2006 the Friends of Laurier Woods and the North Bay-Mattawa Conservation Authority became joint owners of the property. For those unable to attend the guided walks, the Friends of Laurier Woods encourage you to come out and enjoy the site on your own. The parking lot and access to the trails are located at the end of Brule Street. Watch for dates of future guided walks on-line at and on the Friends of Laurier Woods Facebook page. For Further Information contact: Fred Pinto, / 705-476-9006

End of Brule Street
Brule St.
North Bay

Public Notices/Announcements - North Bay - Packsac Smiles

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1653624000 1653710340
1653710400 1653796740

Packsac Smiles organization  is gearing up for our 18th year. We  have over 250 completed applications so we need to recruit volunteers to help us out to do shopping and delivering. If interested please  call 705-492-4747 or email