Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Walkerville Home, Garden and Art Tour

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1655564400 1655582400

The May Court Club of Windsor presents the 2022 Walkerville Home Garden and Art Tour in June 18th, 11 to 4pm. 
12 tour sites including historic homes, gardens designed by master gardeners, art studios and even an urban vegetable garden.  Tickets $25.00

The May Court Club Garden Tour
1122 Wyandotte Street East

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Downton Abbey Tea Party

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654365600 1654369380

Dress up in Downton Abbey style clothing and join us for a fun afternoon! There will be a presentation by Champlain Trail Museum, followed by some trivia and delicious English style tea complete with finger foods and tea, of course.Tickets are only $2 per person. Teens and adults are welcomed to attend.

Pembroke Public Library
237 Victoria Street
K8A 4K5

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Giant Used Book Sale June 23 & 24

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1655989200 1656023400
1656075600 1656093600

After a three-year Covid hiatus, our Giant Used Book Sale is returning to LaSalle PS. The sale will run Thurs. June 23 (9 am to 6:30) and Fri. June 24 (9 to 2 pm). The public is welcome. Please tell all your friends and family to visit. Paperbacks are $1 and hardcovers are $2, and there will be books for all ages. Every dollar goes to the charity Creation of Hope to support orphaned teens Christmas and Nduku in Kikima, Kenya. 

LaSalle Public School Gym
1600 Mayfair Ave.
N9J 3T3

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Free Portraits For Those Who Have Served

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654092000 1654099200

Veterans Portrait Project

Veterans and Serving Members Encouraged to Participate


10 am—12 pm  


The images taken in the sessions may be made available to organizations and causes that support Canadian Veterans’ rights and advancement.








Brockville Legion
180 Park Street
K6V 5T7
Brockville, Ontario

Community Event - Quinte - Buck-A-Bag Clothing Event at Calvary Church

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1653739200 1653746400

Finally after 2 years, it's time again for our BUCK-A-BAG CLOTHING EVENT!

Join us at 8 AM until 10 AM on Saturday, May 28, 2022, and FILL UP some grocery bags (provided by us) with as many clothes as you can... ALL FOR JUST $1.00 per bag!

We expect to have clothing for ALL AGES: baby clothes - kids clothes - adult clothes - boys/girls - men/women!
Our Goal is to BLESS EVERYONE in our CHURCH and in our COMMUNITY, with some quality, previously-owned clothing and accessories, for an incredible bargain of $1.00/bag... Can't wait to see you there!

All proceeds will go to our Student Ministries Programs & Events (Kids/Jr High/Youth).

***** Donations of clothing and accessories will be gladly accepted and
GREATLY appreciated from now until May 26, 2022 *****

Please tell all of your friends, family and neighbours!

Thank you to all of those who have attended/ donated/ volunteered at past events, and for helping to make them such a huge success! Volunteers are needed to help with set up on Thursday May 26, and Friday May 27, and to pack up on Saturday May 28, after the event! Please call the church at 613-969-0888 ext 22 or ext 26, or send me an e-mail to if you are able to help out in any way or if you would like more information. Thank you!

Calvary Community Church
679 Dundas St W
K8N 4Z2

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Planet in Focus Film Festival Oct 13 to 23 2022

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1665633600 1665719940
1665633600 1665719940

Celebrating 23 years on October 13-23, Planet in Focus International Environmental Film Festival will screen more than 40 films virtually and live in Toronto. Canada’s largest environmental film festival programs films from around the world highlighting current issues beyond the traditional scope of ecology including social justice and solution based films engaging audiences of all ages. Screenings will include the outdoor Opening Night at stackt market, a free family program at the Paradise Cinema and an Industry Conference held at the Centre for Social Innovation Spadina.

Paradie Theatre
1006c Bloor St West
M6H 1M2