Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Thamesville Threshing Festival Parade

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1656109800 1656113400

Our parade goes on rain or shine and it can't be beat! One of the "best parades around" the Threshing Festival parade brings in thousands of people to Thamesville.

Parade Route: Starts at Ferguson Park. Continues to Mary Street, turns right on Ann Street to Jane then left on Jane and onto Lemuel Street to the main street which is London Road. Then turns left onto Ann Street to Sherman Street and ends at the park. Hope you enjoy the parade!

Get your lawn chair and come on out to Thamesville to join in the fun.

Public Notices/Announcements - Sarnia - Unlock Lambton Self-Driving Tour

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654351200 1654372800

Tourism Sarnia-Lambton invites you to join us for the Unlock Lambton Self-Driving Tour on Saturday, June 4th from 10:00am - 4:00pm. We are celebrating National Tourism Week, so come check out 20 attractions and sites across Lambton County. The driving tour highlights our rich history, heritage, arts and culture and nature. This family friendly event provides free admission at all sites the day of event.  Make sure to complete a ballot for a chance to win some great door prizes!


Community Event - Cornwall - Living life to the Full Program for Seniors 55+

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654092000 1654095600

Are you 55 years and older? Then this program is for you!

Want to know how to feel happier, more confident, and worry less right now? Would you like to learn new ways of dealing with what life throws at you? Living Life to the Full is a fun and interactive course that will help you understand your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors, and what to do about them!

Congratulations, you’re about to change your life!

Too much to do? Is someone close to you ill? Can’t sleep? Feeling lonely? The way you feel is affected by things that happen to you, and you feel bad because you’re in a vicious cycle. Learn how to stop the cycle!
Living Life to the Full is a mental health promotion course designed to help people deal with everyday life challenges and learn self-management skills using Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) principles. Course content and materials are practical and easily applied to everyday life situations. The course is suitable for people of all ages – from youth to seniors.

What you learn:
✔ Self-confidence
✔ Problem-solving
✔ Stress management
✔ Motivation
✔ Dealing with unhelpful thoughts
✔ Anger management

Cornwall Public Library - 2nd Floor
45 Second St West
K6H 1Y3
Cornwall, ON

Community Event - Cornwall - Walking Group - Mood Walks

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654209000 1654212600

Get active, explore nature and reconnect. Registration is now open! Join us from June 2nd - July 21st for "Mood Walks", and eight week walking program which promotes both physical and mental wellness. Join us this summer. Registration: 

Lamoureux Park - Bandshell
100 Water Street
K6H 6G4

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Meet a Machine is Back! Sat, June 11, 10 - 2 WFCU

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1652760000 1652846340

The parking lot of the WFCU Centre will be roaring with activity Saturday June 11th for the 10th annual in-person Meet-A-Machine event.  This free event is designed to promote literacy with children from the Windsor-Essex community in a fun and interactive way.

Upwards of 100 machines will be on hand with their operators to allow children to climb on, discover and explore.  Some of the vehicles include large construction equipment, trucks, race cars, buses and emergency vehicles.  Meet-A-Machine is brought to you by The City of Windsor, Children’s Services department.

Come and enjoy this innovative event!

What:             Free Community Literacy Event – “Meet-A-Machine”
When:            Saturday, June 11, 2022  10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Sensory Hour (Registration Required) 9:00 a.m.-10:00 a.m.
Rain or shine.

Where:          Windsor Family Credit Union (WFCU) Centre Parking Lot
8787 McHugh Street


WFCU Centre
8787 McHugh
N8S 0A1

Community Event - Quinte - Wampum Belts with Jamie Maracle

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654959600 1654966800

In commemoration of National Indigenous History Month, Belleville Public Library is honoured to partner with FNTI and welcome Jamie Maracle for a special presentation about Wampum belts. 

Wampum belts are traditional teaching tools that record Rotinonshon:ni history and knowledge. Traditions state that They have been used for over 2,000 years.  Each of the dozens of belts have Their Own teachings and stories.

Come hear about the origins of the belts, how the belts are made, and the teachings that They offer. In doing so, this discussion with touch on the history of the Rotinononshon:ni as well.

Jamie Maracle has been making wampum belts for at least 25 years and has been presenting about Them for almost as long. He is from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory and has traveled to Six Nations of the Grand River, Akwesasne, Kanewake, Onondaga and more to learn the traditions of the Wampum belts, and other Rotinonshon:ni traditions. 

Saturday, June 11, 11:00am-1:00pm in the 3rd floor Meeting Room. 

To register, call (613) 968-6731 x2037 or email

Belleville Public Library
254 Pinnacle Street
K8N 3B1

Community Event - Cornwall - Breakfast-Blessed Sacrament Church Sunday, June 5

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654441200 1654444800

COME ONE --- COME ALL --- to our special Parish breakfast on Sunday, June 5th, in the parish hall, after the 10:00am Mass. It is a FREE WILL OFFERING. Let us come together in friendship and support one another as we support our Parish! Please be reminded that we will have only a 10:00am Mass on that Sunday. We are very grateful to our organizers; Knights of the Round table and Ladies Auxiliary.  We are located at 325 Tollgate Road East.

Blessed Sacrament Parish
325 Tollgate Road East