Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Children's Treatment Centre Sponsor of the Day
Bill & Darlene McGimpsey, co-operators
Bill & Darlene McGimpsey, co-operators
In loving memory of my dear parents, Gertie May True (May 23, 2005) & Sydney Albert True (June 30, 1970). Always, now & forever in my heart from your daughter, Velva.
Future Office Products
In memory of Richard Chausse. Gone but not forgotten from Mom & family.
Walter Hagen, Blow Snow Removal Inc.
Rev. Matthew Brunet (St. Peter's) 16th Anniversary of Ordination. Your inspiring homilies are a gift to us. May God bless you in a very special way. Doe Doreen Dube
The team at Uptown Kia
Saturday May 21, 2022, come and dance at Club 135! Entertainment by Keith Whitfield, at the North Bay Golden Age Club
Doors open at 7:30 pm, dance starts at 8:00 pm. Cost for members is $5.00 (you must show your valid Membership card) and non-members $7.00
Cash Bar with sandwiches available to purchase.
Masks must be worn, vaccinations required.
May 30, 2022 – 2pm-3:30pm
Lambton County Branch, Ontario Ancestors
Drop-In & Chat - Zoom Webinar
Have questions about researching your Lambton County ancestors? Wondering what genealogy resources are available in Lambton County? Bring your questions as we talk genealogy in Lambton, on the last Monday of each month.
For a link to the meeting email
A project team led by Niagara Falls artist Sonia Wilkinson and the Niagara Pumphouse Arts Centre invites present & past residents and workers of Niagara Falls to be part of an upcoming public art project. Submit a digital or print copy of photo(s) of work, leisure, or home setting that took place in Niagara Falls for a chance to be included! Submit your photo online, by email, mail or in-person.
For more information, visit: