Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Capable Con! A family friendly event for all!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654351200 1654369200

Capable Con is a family-friendly ComiCon-style event that opens the conversation about disability and creates community with those living with disabilities. Join us for a fun day of arts and crafts, educational activities, interactive games, entertainment, and giveaways! Admission and participation are free!

Meet the Capable Crew! Six everyday superheroes who live with limited vision or hearing loss, move around in a wheelchair, use a guide dog or a prosthetic…and even have a hidden disability. Pick out your favourite and take a photo with your new hero!

Try out the virtual reality and in-person Time In My Shoes (TiMS) programs that simulate performing everyday tasks with limited vision, hearing, and mobility. Food, merch, and vendors will all be present with items for sale and stories to tell.

Venture North Parking Lot
270 George St. North
K9J 3H1

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Routine School Immunization Clinics Available

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1650393000 1650411000
1650565800 1650583800

Due to the pandemic, many grade 7, 8 and even grade 9 students are behind on their routine school immunizations (Meningococcal, Hepatitis B and HPV) CK Public Health is running clinics at the 730 Richmond St location on Tuesday April 19th and Thursday April 21st to assist students with getting all caught up. Clinics run from 2:30-7:30PM and walk-ins are welcome!

Community Event - Niagara - St.Davids Lioness Spring Market

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1650373200 1650402000

St. Davids Lioness are hosting a Spring Market on May 14 from 9AM to 5PM. 40+ vendors, located outside and inside! Food and beverage trucks will be available. Money raised goes back into to community. Come visit us at 1462 York Rd. in St. Davids. 

St.Davids Lioness
1462 York Road
St. Davids

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Windsor Choral Festival (2022) returns May 13-14

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1652482800 1652486400
1652554800 1652558400
1652569200 1652572800

We are so excited to announce the return of the Windsor Choral Festival this spring. The Windsor Classic Chorale will be hosting 3 virtual events from May 13th to May 14th during WCF 2022: a Conductors’ Circle for choral conductors and choir leaders; a vocal technique workshop open to all choral singers; and a streamed virtual concert showcase. All events are open to all, and free of charge.

This weekend of virtual events will enable choristers, conductors, and audiences from across the Windsor-Essex region to participate in a short series of online choral workshops. The Conductors’ Circle (Friday, 7pm) will engage conductors and choir leaders in discussion about post-pandemic re-opening procedures in choral settings. The vocal technique workshop for choral singers (Saturday, 3pm) will include 20-minute workshops by expert clinicians Prof. Karen Burke (York University), Dr. Melissa Morgan (University of Regina), and Dr. Tim Shantz (University of Alberta), on Zoom. The streamed virtual concert showcase (Saturday, 7pm) will feature performance videos of Windsor-Essex choirs.

Registration for the Conductors’ Circle, Vocal Technique for Choral Singers Workshop, and Virtual Concert Showcase is available at Please ensure you register early, as spots for these events are limited. Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you at Windsor Choral Festival 2022! 


Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Doors Open Peterborough - May 7 - 10 am to 4 pm

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1651932000 1651953600

The doors are open again! After a two-year hiatus due to COVID-19, join us for the 20th annual Doors Open Peterborough... returning in-person on May 7 from 10 am to 4 pm. Design and Adaptive Reuse is the theme for this year's Doors Open. See how once shuttered or underutilized historic buildings in Peterborough have gained new life as something completely different -- or vastly improved -- and are contributing to a more sustainable future. Five venues are open to the public, including: PCVS, Y-Lofts, King George Public School, Peterborough Museum and Peterborough Theatre Guild. There are also three historic walks taking place during the event. Event is free for all ages, with COVID precautions in place. 

PCVS, King George Public School, Y-Lofts, Peterborough Museum and Archives, Peterborough Theatre Guild
500 George Street North
k9h 349

Community Event - Quinte - Belleville Garden Club April Meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1651014000 1651021200

We are excited to be meeting in-person once again for our April 26th meeting, 7-9PM. Our speaker will be Marian Jean of Oakridge Dahlias. Our new meeting place is Eastside Community Baptist Church, 68 Rollins Drive, Belleville.

Come check us out and consider becoming a member and/or visit our website at 

Eastside Community Baptist Church
68 Rollins Drive
K8N 4J4

Community Event - Quinte - Trenton Lions Club Spring Bazaar

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1650718800 1650736800

Trenton Lions Club Spring Bazaar, Saturday April 23rd, 9am-2pm, Trenton Lions Club Hall, 77 Campbell Street

Trenton Lions Club Hall
77 Campbell Street
K8V 3A2

Community Event - Peterborough/Lindsay - Need a hand with your income taxes?

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1649995200 1650081540

Volunteers will do your taxes free at St Lukes's Church 566 Armour Rd on Apr 20 & 27 from 9:00-3:30 for those with income 35k for singles, 45k for couples on a first come first served basis. Masks must be worn

St Luke's Church
566 Armour Rd
K9H 1Z1

Community Event - Quinte - Belleville Veterans' Council commemoration service

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1652032800 1652036400

The Belleville Veterans' Council will be hosting a commemoration service on May 8, 2022 at 2p.m. at the Belleville Cenotaph.

The service will be to honour those who served at The Battle of Vimy Ridge (Apr 9, 1917), the Battle of the Atlantic (1939~1945) and Victory in Europe (May 8, 1945).

All are welcome to attend while observing relevant COVID-19 restrictions.

Belleville Cenotaph
Veterans' Way (Station Street)
Belleville Veterans' Council comm