Community Event - Muskoka - Dinner at the Legion in Huntsville,

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1651005000 1651010400

Royal Canadian Legion Huntsville, April 26 Tuesday will be: salad, meatloaf, mashed potatoes & gravy, glazed carrots, apple crisp, and tea/coffee. $12 each, we thank Colleen Comer for taking on this event. We will serve from 5 to 6 p.m. reservations would be appreciated. Don't miss out call 705-789-4641 and leave your message if you prefer take out you can pick up from 4:30 to 5 p.m. Leave your name, phone number and how many dinners you want to pick up. We are happy to offer either eat in or curb side pickup. To avoid disappointment and to help plan the number of meals please make your reservation early. Watch for more meals to follow

Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 232, Huntsville
21 Veterans Way,
P1H 1P3

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Rotary Lobsterfest 2022

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1653688800 1653703200

After three long years, the Rotary Club of Windsor-Roseland is pleased to return to our 37th annual Rotary Lobsterfest, a Maritime Party!

Join us at the beautiful Fogolar Furlan Club on Friday, May 27, 2022.  Enjoy a sumptuous buffet of roast chicken, roasted potatoes, penne pasta with tomato sauce, salad, rolls and butter and one freshly prepared Maritime lobster. Additional lobsters can be purchased, in advance with your meal.

Enjoy an evening of great food, entertainment, raffle and silent auction with a Maritime flavour!

Thanks for supporting all the good work that Rotary does in our community and in the world community !

Fogolar Furlan Hall
1800 North Service Road (E. C. Row)
N8W 1Y3

Community Event - Quinte - Yard sale Apr. 30

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1651320000 1651345200

Indoor yard sale Apr. 30 th, St Paul’s United Church Stirling 

St. Paul’s United Church
Church st.
K0K 3E0

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - The Lunch Bunch by Seniors at Home

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1651683600 1651690800

A luncheon event including full course meal at Jim's restaurant on Wed May 4th, 1pm-3pm. Choice of sandwiches Sliced Beef and Mustard or Chicken Salad. Entertainment by Steve Williams. Tickets $11 available from agency office until noon May 2nd. 

Jim's Restaurant
54 Elgin St W

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Tree Replacement Program

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1649908800 1649995140

 Attention Ridgetown Residents!

To maintain and encourage street tree coverage, the Chatham-Kent Public Works Department is implementing a tree replacement pilot project in the community of Ridgetown! 

There will be no cost to you. 

If you are interested in having a tree planted near your property on the municipal right-of-way, please contact Kelly at 519-360-1998 x 3321 or email before April 25, 2022.

Native Carolinian tree species including Red Maple, Silver Maple, Bur Oak, Red Oak, Eastern Redbud and Eastern Flowering Dogwood will be planted this April/May in accordance with the Municipality’s approved street tree planting plan.

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Shimmy Mob at the Market World Belly Dance Day

Submitted by ssavage on
1652536800 1652544000

Our Shimmy Mob team performs at the Brockville Farmers' Market for our first post Covid on-site event.

On World Bellydance Day teams of belly dancers around the world dance a Shimmy Mob, a belly dance flash mob held annually to raise awareness of domestic abuse.

Shimmy Mob supports victims of abuse, and the shelters and similar organizations in participating local areas, by promoting awareness and furthering the cause.

Funds raised in Brockville stay in Brockville. This year our Brockville team is dancing in support of Victim Services of Leeds and Grenville.

Brockville Farmers Market
Market St. W

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - Hafla! 2022 Middle Eastern Dance Show

Submitted by ssavage on
1653778800 1653786000

Aaliyah Belly Dance is pleased to announce that we return to our Hafla! series!
We are so grateful to be back with a full slate of dancers to open things back up. Over 20 dancers join us to present the vast range of belly dance and Middle Eastern Dance. Aaliyah Belly Dance is proud to be the creator of this series in support of victims of violence.

Dancers are arriving from as far as Hamilton to Gatineau in support of our community. This year we raise funds for Victim Services of Leeds & Grenville.

Tickets are $25
Doors open 6:30 p.m.
Show: 7:00 p.m.
Cash bar at intermission.

Maitland Recreational Centre
120 E McLean Blvd,
K0E 1P0

Community Event - Quinte - Bus Trip to "Menopause" at Stirling June 11, 2022

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1649908800 1649995140

Join our bus trip to to see "Menopause" at Stirling Theatre on Sat June 11, 2022.  Bus departs 61 Bay Street, Trenton at 1:00 pm

Sponsored by Trenton Seniors Club 105.  Includes: the Show, bus, dinner at Chubby's and all tips.

Cost: $105.00 for Club members;  $115.00 for non-club members.  Pay in full upon booking.

Contact Trenton Senior Club 105, 61 Bay St, Trenton, office open Mon to Fri, 9 am to 1 pm. Call 613 392 5400

Upcoming events 

Sunday, Apr 24, 2022   70th Anniversary Celebration for Club 105 and Open house at 61 Bay St, Trenton 1 to 4 pm.  Drop in and see all the Club has to offer

Saturday, May 7, 2022 - Yard Sale at 61 Bat St, Trenton, 9 am to 1 pm.  Table rentals available 

Sunday, May 22, 2022  Bus trip to Cirque du Soleil at Toronto

Saturday June 25, 2022  Bus trip to "A closer walk with Patsy Cline" at Port Hope 



Trenton Seniors Club 105
61 Bay Street
K8V 1H6