Public Notices/Announcements - Niagara - City of Niagara Falls Curbside Giveaway!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1650106800 1650142800

One person’s unwanted but reusable items are someone else’s treasure. During Curbside Giveaway Days, place used items that are in good condition on your property (next to the sidewalk or curb) for others to take. 

Mark your items as “FREE” with a free Community Curbside Giveaway Sign found on our website, or create your own, and set them out Saturday, April 16th morning between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.

This is also a great opportunity for students to acquire community service hours.  If you have any questions, please connect with Jeff Guarasci at

Event taking place in Niagara Falls only. 

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - RVH Auxiliary Easter Bake Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1649941200 1649955600

Let us do the baking! Renfrew Victoria Hospital Auxiliary will be holding an Easter Bake Sale on Thursday, April 14 from 9am - 1pm at Scott & Sons Hardware Store downtown Renfrew. Pick up your Easter dinner pies, hot cross buns and deserts along with many other goodies that will add delight to your Easter weekend!  All proceeds go to Renfrew Victoria Hospital Auxiliary.

Scott & Sons Hardware Store
150 Raglan St. S.
K7V 1R1

Community Event - Brockville/Prescott - 2022 Rotary Golf Classic At Prescott Golf Club

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1654228800 1654315140




Early Bird 2022 Registration Fees
Single Golfer - non PGC Member - $ 140 | Single Golfer - PGC Member - $95

After May 15
Single Golfer - non PGC Member - $ 175 | Single Golfer - PGC Member - $ 135

Includes: Green Fees, Cart,
Lunch, Dinner, Banquet & Silent
Auction, Wine and Cheese Reception and Scotch Tasting Bar

Dinner Only, Includes Silent Auction, Wine and Cheese Reception , Scotch Tasting Bar $55

Prescott Golf Club
900 Boundary Street
K0E 1T0

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Knitting and Crochet Club

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1649957400 1649962800

Do you like to knit or crochet? Chatham-Kent Public Library's Wallaceburg Branch Knitting and Crochet Club is starting back up! Join us every Thursday afternoon, beginning April 14 from 1:30 to 3:00 pm to trade patterns, give suggestions or learn a new skill. Registration is not required.

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Virtual Breastfeeding Class

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1650492000 1650499200

Join CK Public Health during our FREE virtual breastfeeding class on Wednesday, April 20th from 6:00PM-8:00PM on Zoom.

Call 519.352.7270 x2903 or email to register!

For more information on our programs and services please check out our website at:

Community Event - Niagara - TRIVIA NIGHT Niag Peninsula Foundation forChildren

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1649908800 1649995140
1652414400 1652500740

Niagara Peninsula Foundation for Children Trivia Night - Friday May 13, 2022.  $25.00 per person, 8 per table. Snacks & Pizza provided. Cash Bar. Trivia Winner Prize. Door Prize. Raffle Prizes.

Doors open at 6:30pm, Trivia starts at 7:30pm

The Niagara Peninsula Foundation for Children was established with the goal to support charitable organizations that assist disadvantaged children, and families of children with disabilities in the Niagara Region. Assisting Wellspring Niagara, Autistic Camp, HChromosome 18, John Howard, School breakfast programs, Christmas - Clothing and Toy Drive, and more...

Entries and questions to Payment required to reserve. Cheque, e-Transfer. Send in each player's name (door prize)  

Armenian Communtiy Centre
156 Martindale Road
L2S 2X9
St. Catharines

Community Event - Sarnia - Virtual Presentation on Habitat Projects

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1650582000 1650587400

On Thursday, April 21st from 7:00 – 8:30 PM, the Canadian Remedial Action Plan Implementation Committee (CRIC) will host a virtual information session highlighting several fish and wildlife habitat creation and restoration projects that have been completed within the St. Clair River Area of Concern.

During the information session, participants will be taken on a ‘tour’ of several projects adjacent to the river that provide valuable habitat to local fish and wildlife including the wetland creation at Bowens Creek, pike spawning habitat at Branton Cundick Park, and marsh restoration at Swan Lake. A biologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Canadian Wildlife Service will also share the wetland health monitoring results.

Participants will have the opportunity to ask questions about the habitat projects, wetland monitoring results, and general progress in restoring aquatic habitat from the comfort of their home.



Date:               Thursday, April 21, 2022

Time:               7:00 pm – 8:30 pm EST

Where:            Zoom Webinar

Registration:  To register, please visit


About the St. Clair River Area of Concern

The St. Clair River was designated as an Area of Concern (AOC) in 1987 under the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement between Canada and the United States due to a lengthy history of urban and industrial development. For over 30 years, local and Indigenous communities, industry, conservation organizations and all levels of government have been working together to improve water quality and aquatic habitats in the St. Clair River through the implementation of a Remedial Action Plan (RAP), administered by the Canadian RAP Implementation Committee (CRIC). The ultimate goal of this plan is to restore the beneficial uses of the St. Clair River and remove it from the list of Great Lakes Areas of Concern.

Zoom Webinar
Zoom Webinar
Zoom Webinar
Zoom Webinar