Community Event - Quinte - Eastminster United Church Open Door Cafe Hot Lunch

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1649518200 1649523600

Dine In from 11:30am to 1:00pm---Doors Open at 11:15am
Take Out from 12:00noon to 12:30pm---Front Door

Nice Hot Lunch every Wednesdays at Eastminster United Church
432 Bridge Street East off Hirchimer Ave, Belleville

Covid protocols in place.

Eastminster United Church
432 Bridge Street East

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Registered Disability Savings Plans - Zoom Session

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1651158000 1651204800

Join Reach Canada for an educational session on the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) and the Canada Disability Savings Grant and Bond! 

The Government of Canada understands that long-term financial security is a real concern for people with disabilities and their families. For this reason, the Government introduced a first-of-its-kind savings program, the Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), which helps families ensure that their loved ones with severe and prolonged disabilities can save for their future.

This session will cover the differences between the RDSP, Canada Disability Savings Grant and Bond, as well as what you and your loved ones need to know regarding eligibility and application processes. Additional information regarding the Canada Disability Savings Program can be found at

Thursday, April 28, 2022, 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Click here to register

Registration for this event is free, but please consider making a contribution to Reach to support access to justice for people with disabilities. A charitable receipt will be provided for all contributions of $20 or greater. Click here to donate. Reach Legal Education sessions are made possible with the generous support of the Ottawa Community Foundation. 

K1Y 4X5

Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - Cheers to Hope!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1651093200 1651102200

WE-SPARK Health Institute is hosting a fundraising event to support health care innovation in Windsor/Essex.  It is the first event since the launch of the health institute.

The “Cheers to Hope” event will raise funds for health research grants that bring together experts from its four partner institutions – Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare, St. Clair College, the University of Windsor and Windsor Regional Hospital – as well as collaborators across the Windsor/Essex region, Canada, and internationally.

Attendees can learn about the amazing and exciting health research that is happening across Windsor/Essex, and find out what's on the horizon!

Tickets are only $100 pp, and includes hors d'oeuvres and a cash bar. 

Essex Golf & Country Club
7555 Matchette Road

Community Event - North Bay - Friends of Laurier Woods - AGM

Submitted by jroussy on
1650492000 1650499200

The Friends of Laurier Woods, a non-profit charitable organization, will hold its Annual General Meeting on Wednesday, April 20th, 6:00pm virtually by a Zoom Email link. Guest Presenter will be Dr. Janice Gilbert, Founder and Executive Director of the Invasive Phragmites Control Centre. In her audio-visual presentation Dr. Gilbert will share information about Invasive Phragmites, an aggressive plant that spreads quickly and out-competes native species for water and nutrients, and how to control it. Individuals interested in attending the AGM must be paid-in-full members of the Friends of Laurier Woods prior to being sent the access link. Advance membership purchase is available for $20.00/year/individual or $30.00/year/family by going to Advance membership purchase is required by April 13th. For Information contact: Terri Haist 705-492-9734 Susan Christian 705-752-2387

North Bay

Community Event - Niagara - Niagara Life Centre Walk + Run for Mental Health

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1651321800 1651334400

Join Niagara Life Centre on Saturday, April 30th, 2022 for our Annual Walk and Run! There will be a 1K + 5K Fun Run, the 5K walk, and NEW this year, a 1K walk as well. This family friendly event has something for everyone! Prizes will be awarded to those with top pledges, lunch and snacks provided too. St. Catharines Fire will also be on site, so kids can explore a firetruck.

LOCATION START: Covenant Christian Reformed Church, located at 278 Parnell Rd, St. Catharines, ON (Between Niagara Street and Bunting Road). Walk and run will take place along the Grantham Rail Trail (starting at Parnell).  

All money raised from this event will go to supporting counselling and mental health services at Niagara Life Centre. Sign up online at  or call the centre at 905-934-0021 to speak with our events coordinator today. 

Covenant Christian Reformed Church
278 Parnell Rd
L2M 0A1
St. Catharines

Community Event - Niagara - Niagara Fdn. for Catholic Education Annual

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1649217600 1649303940
1653019200 1653105540

The Niagara Foundation for Catholic Education Annual Benefit Gala with honourary guest the Most Reverend Gerard Bergie, D.D., Bishop of St. Catharines Diocese is a fundraiser in support of students in need and provides scholarships for students attending Niagara Catholic District School Board schools. The Gala is scheduled for Friday, May 20 at Club Roma starting at 6:00 p.m. with cash bar followed by dinner.,and also features a silent auction. In recent months when COVID-19 forced school closures the Foundation provided $10,000 in funding to purchase WI-FI access so students in need could learn from home. Grocery cards were also purchased for needy families, support was given to a secondary school student in need of an organ transplant, to a family with a parent suffering from cancer and shortly afterwards passed away, to students who could not afford to purchase eye glasses, for school nutrition programs and scholarships. 

Tickets are $100 each and can be purchased in tables of 10, 8 or individually. For further information call 905-735-0240 Ext. 214 or email



Club Roma Event & Conference Centre, St. Catharines/ Niagara Foundation for Catholic Education Benefit Gala
125 Vansickle Road
L2S 3W4
St. Cathariines, Ontario

Community Event - Niagara - Easter Egg Hunt Saturday April 16th at 12 Noon!

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1650124800 1650132000

Easter Egg Hunt Sat April 16th beginning at 12  noon. Over 15,000 eggs loads of prizes, BBQ, Silent Auction, Ice Cream truck,

plus entire Thrift Store 50 % off !

All proceeds go to Village of Hope Food Bank

2831 King St. Jordan ONT

No registration required !  

Admission is Food or Funds  905 562 3113

Village of Hope
2831 King St.

Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - Emergency Homeless Shelter Community Meeting

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1649282400 1649286000

Have a question or a concern with the new Emergency Homeless Shelter?

Join us for our Emergency Homeless Shelter Community Meeting!

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 - 6:00pm

Chatham Cultural Centre - Studio One

Can't join in person? Tune in to the Municipality of Chatham-Kent Facebook page for a live stream. Ask your questions in the comments and participate in the meeting virtually.