Public Notices/Announcements - Chatham - St. Andrew's Residence Knitting Club

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1648526400 1648612740

St. Andrew's Residence is looking to start a knitting club.

We would like to invite like-minded individuals to join the club as volunteers and help with anything from dropped stitches, to sharing knitting tips. Please note story telling and laughter are a must and encouraged as part of this club.

To learn more please call 519-354-8103 ask for Barb


Community Event - Niagara - Win a Giant Chocolate Easter Bunny

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1648526400 1648612740

Support the Fonthill Lions.  Two draws, each for a 3-foot Giant Easter Bunny.  Draws on Sunday, April 10 at 1 pm.  Bunnies will be delivered to the winners anywhere within 250 km of Niagara the week before Easter.  Surprise your family or a special someone with a giant sweet treat. Tickets 289-684-1240 to pay via e-transfer or credit card at

Fonthill Lions Club
103 Hurricane Road
L0S 1E0

Community Event - North Bay - Seniors Sharing the Caring - Free Event

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1648740600 1648753200

Thursday March 31st from 11:30am - 3pm at St. Joseph Motherhouse, 2025 Main St. West in North Bay

You don't want to miss the free event! 

Join the Near North Palliative Care Network for fun filled afternoon, full of wellness activities, guest speakers, complimentary lunch, refreshments, door prizes and more! 

Every senior receives a free gift and an opportunity to stay active and engage in our community. Register today as spots are limited. 

Call Jessica at 705-497-9239

St. Joseph's Motherhouse
2025 Main St. West
North Bay

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Montague Forget Me Not Club 4 Hand Euchre Fridays

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1648440000 1648526340
1648785600 1648854000
1648526400 1648612740
1648612800 1648699140
1648699200 1648785540

The Montague Forget Me Not Club located at 658 Rosedale Rd S in Montague Township, is pleased to announce the restart from COVID of their 4 Hand Euchre on Friday evenings.

Starting this Friday, April 1st at 7 PM, the club will again be hosting weekly card games at $5 per person with light snacks and tea/coffee served after.

Our accessible ramp allows all to join in on the activities.

Masks are optional and respect for those who choose to wear one is appreciated.



Montague Forget Me Not Club
658 Rosedale Rd S
K7A 5B8
Smiths Falls

Community Event - Ottawa Valley - Hello Spring Craft & Vendor Show May 22

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1653228000 1653249600

Come to the Pembroke Legion on Sunday, May 22 and see what your local crafters and vendors have been up to!  With over 30 tables, there's something for everyone.  Bring the kids and enter the drawing contest and win a $50 gift card to a local restaurant of your choice & a bag of goodies for the winner.  Great time to look for that unique gift for Dad!

Pembroke Legion Branch 72
202 Pembroke Street East
K8A 3J7

Community Event - Quinte - Coping with Uncertainty: A Mental Health Talk

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1651327200 1651330800

The past two years have been tough! Join Belleville Public Library and Heather from the Belleville and Quinte West Community Health Centre for a special webinar about your mental health.

How we cope with life and its circumstances has been challenged in the past two years and as we look forward we anticipate new struggles and challenges adjusting to our “new normal.” The focus of this presentation will be on providing participants with information and coping skills related to radical acceptance, mindfulness, strategies to cope with strong emotions, thoughts, and the impact on our behaviour. Information about community programs and supports will also be discussed.

Register for this Zoom webinar at

Belleville Public Library
K8N 3B1

Community Event - Quinte - Life Draw for Ukraine Fundraiser in Bloomfield

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1649458800 1649466000

Please come out for the Baxter Arts Centre's Life Draw For Ukraine fundraiser hosted by celebrated County artist Stewart Jones! There are two sessions in Bloomfield on April 8th at 7pm and at 8pm. All proceeds go to the UNICEF Ukraine Emergency Fund. To donate, go to  Check out the poster for more details. This is a great opportunity to support the Stand With Ukraine movement so please donate and come out!

#StandWithUkraine #UNICEF #Ukraine #PEC

The Baxter Arts Centre
3 Stanley Street
K0K 1G0