Community Event - Ottawa Valley - CARE Easter Pet Photo Fundraiser
This event is taking place at Rick's Pet Stores in Pembroke and Arnprior! No appointment necessary (donation only). Thanks for supporting Calabogie Animal Rescue!
This event is taking place at Rick's Pet Stores in Pembroke and Arnprior! No appointment necessary (donation only). Thanks for supporting Calabogie Animal Rescue!
Calabogie Animal Rescue Bottle Drive
Drop off your empties and show your support!
All proceeds goes to the animals in our care.
The NHCC is a cycling club for everyone! We are non-competitive and offer group rides for cyclists of all abilities. All your questions can be answered by visiting us at Membership Night at the Pub at the Mill Restaurant. $40 special rate on Membership Night only!
The March meeting will be held Wednesday March 23, by internet Zoom at 7 p.m. The speakers will be from North Bay Museum, telling us what is new at the museum.
If you need a connection to Zoom contact Ken at 705 472-3260
100in1Day Burlington is part of a growing global movement of citizen driven change, where people take ownership of their city and together, create a better place to live.
It inspires residents to activate 100 innovative, thought-provoking ideas into interventions to transform their city all on one day. An urban intervention is an activity, project or installation that temporarily improves a public space and demonstrates how a community might achieve more lasting positive change. It may be led by an individual, community-based group, or an organization.
Projects can be practical, like planting trees or pop-up street furniture. They can be social, like hosting a block party. They can be artistic, like flash mobs or yarn bombing. They can challenge us or fix a problem. They can be as big or small as you want.
Register your idea on our website so it can be added to our map of events and see how many activities you can participate in on June 4th!
Burlington first participated in 100in1Day on June 2, 2018, along with 15 other cities across Canada. We're excited to bring it back in 2022.
Trenton Seniors Club 105 is planning a bus trip to Toronto to see Cirque du Soleil – Kurios
Date: Sunday, May 22, 2022
Bus departs the club at 8:00 am – Showtime is 12:00 noon
Cost: $165 for members. $175 for non members. (includes: bus, show, dinner at the Mandarin and tips.
Deposits: $65 for members upon booking and $75 for non members.
Balance due: by March 25, 2022.
We can pick up passengers in Brighton if requested.
For more information call Club 105: 613-392-5400
As part of our 150th Anniversary Celebration First Baptist Church in Petrolia, ON is hosting PROCLAMATION, a public reading of the Holy Bible from April 18-27, 2022 from 07:00 am - 09:00 pm daily.
To volunteer to read scripture:
Seniors meal! Bilingual event so all are welcomed!
On the menu for this evening is Beef bourguignon, salad, a drink and dessert.
To register, please contact us at 519-541-0207
Celebrate the French week with an evening of paint and wine. (En Français)
Chantée, a young Franco-Ontarian artist will guide us in an evening of creation.
For more information or to sign up, please contact the French Community Center at (519)541-0207.