Community Event - Niagara - March 10 Break Mania Build your own Racecar Day!
Monday March 10, 2025 • 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Grace Gospel Church, 5855 Valley Way, NF
Build your own race car competition
Games & Prizes • Snacks & Lunch
5855 Valley Way.
Register at
Community Event - Niagara - St. Ann Church Niagara Falls Pasta Night
First Pasta Night of 2025! Thursday February 6th . 4:30-6:30 . Pasta, meatballs, Salad, Bread , Dessert. Adults $15. Children under 10 $6. Takeout available. We provide container. 5731 Desson Ave. Niagara Falls. 905-358-9333 905-358-5774
Community Event - Quinte - Valentines Day Tea on February 15
Come join us for tea and refreshments and enjoy a Social time at Christ Church, 39 Everett Street in Belleville, on February 15th from 1:00pm until 3:00pm $10.00 per person
Community Event - Windsor/Leamington - WETRA's Winter Social - Fun for Families!
You are invited to join us at the farm with your family & friends, to enjoy magic moments with our herd of therapy horses and with each other!
Kids’ Fun Pass= $10 (Activities geared towards: kids ages 2-12).
Your Fun Pass will get you access to a whole afternoon of fun including: Bouncy castles, Game zone, Scavenger hunt, Dance party, Crafts, PonyPal Corner, Barn Visits & more!
PLEASE RSVP IN ADVANCE (at then pay at the door for your Fun Passes! Adults are free (please still RSVP).
Additional activities (at a cost -$$) will include:
Face Painting, Professional Photo opportunity (you will be able to snap pictures on your phone as well), Food & Drinks
Community Event - Burlington/Oakville - Cogeco DJ Fun Skating at the Burlington Pond
Join us for some cool beats and hot treats.
Thursday nights will be playing Throw back beats on Jan 23 & 30
Friday night will be play Friendly family pop on Jan 24 and 31
Complimentary hot chocolate and donuts