Public Notices/Announcements - Cornwall - Children's Treatment Centre Sponsor of the Day
In loving memory of Roy Laperle, Always in our hearts from his wife, Estelle, Diane, Steven & family
In loving memory of Roy Laperle, Always in our hearts from his wife, Estelle, Diane, Steven & family
In loving memory of Tom O'Brien from Kathy, Claire, Ann & Kevin
Donna Flanigan's Travel by TPI
Minute Auto Wash, Mark Nicholson
In loving memory of Gordie Bryan from the Legroulx family
Le Club d’échec de Valleyfield vous invite à participer à son 2e festival d’échec ouvert à tous et gratuit qui aura lieu le 24 août, de 13 h à 17 h 30, au parc Salaberry. Venez vous amuser à jouer des parties amicales avec les membres du Club et entre amis. Tables et jeux fournis. Info: Robert Blanchard 450 371-9029/ Facebook: club d’échecs valleyfield/
Saturday, August 17 at Colchester Park, 100 Jackson Street. Starting at 7:45pm, kids and their families can enjoy “How to Train Your Dragon 3: The Hidden World” before settling in for the fireworks show at approximately 9:45pm.
In the case of inclement weather, the movie will be shown at the Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre and fireworks will be rescheduled for a future date.
Golden Friendship Club Dance Sept 5, 2019. At Shady Nook Rec Centre. Music by Nelson & Milton Towns and Dean Lapierre. Theme is Western Days. Dance 8-10pm potluck lunch to follow . $5.00 for Members $6.00 for Guests
The ‘Mindfulness Ambassador Program (North Bay) is a 10 week, evening Program that introduces secular mindfulness, why it matters, and how to build a personal practice.
$125.00 for 10 week Program (Includes Participant Handbook)
A White Collar Boxing event consisting off approximately 12 fights. Funds raised at this event will go to support the Grace Inn Shelter.