Community Event - North Bay - St. Bernadette's Parish Picnic
Sunday, July 28th
Seapie Dinner from 3:30pm - 6pm
Games include Bingo, Chance and Penny Sale from 1pm - 6pm
Paroisse Ste Bernadette in Bonfield, ON
Sunday, July 28th
Seapie Dinner from 3:30pm - 6pm
Games include Bingo, Chance and Penny Sale from 1pm - 6pm
Paroisse Ste Bernadette in Bonfield, ON
Basic foot care services seniors and people with needs offered by Community Care, at Trinity United Church, 6 King St. W. August 26th. Pre-booked appointments required. Call 705-789-4100 to book an appointment or inquire about the foot care services and fees.
Basic foot care services seniors and people with needs offered by Community Care, at Little Britain Community Baptist Church, 489 Eldon Rd. August 12th. Pre-booked appointments required. Call 705-789-4100 to book an appointment or inquire about the foot care services and fees.
Basic foot care services seniors and people with special needs, on Wednesdays, offered by Community Care. Pre-booked appointments required. Call 705-789-4100. From 9 a.m. to 4 Community Care, 70 Murray St.,Fenelon Falls.
Basic foot care services seniors and people with needs offered by Community Care at 1027 Portage Rd., Kirkfield on Thursdays. Pre-booked appointments required. Call 705-789-4100 to book an appointment or inquire about the foot care services and fees.
Basic foot care services for seniors and/or special needs offered by Community Care. Tuesdays and Fridays. Pre-booked appointments required. Call 705-789-4100 to reserve your seat.
Basic foot care services seniors and people with special needs offered by Community Care, at the Community Health Centre, 108 Angeline St. S., Lindsay. Tuesday and Wednesdays of the month. Pre-booked appointments required. Call 705-789-4100. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Transition Brockville presents a car talk and a mini car show of electric vehicles at the public library on Sunday, July 28, at 2 p.m. Anyone curious about EVs, as well as others thinking of investing in an environmentally friendly electric car or plug-in hybrid, will want to hear Frank Ahern's talk and slide show comparing these types of cars. Ahern will share his experiences in seeking a car, and give tips to help potential buyers assess what type will suit their needs. Following the talk, everyone can go across the street to the Buell Street parking lot to see some EVs and talk with their owners. This event is free and open to the public. Write to for more information.
Steak BBQ in support of 585 Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets.
Menu: Grilled Meat, Baked Potato, Dinner Roll, Salad, Dessert Buffet, Coffee
Cost: Rib Steak $ 20.00 each / Pork Chop: $ 12.00 each
While quantities last. We recommend to order your tickets no later than August 1, 2019.
All welcome!