Community Event - Niagara - Organ concert
Organ concert with Peter Orme, Sept. 8 at 3 p.m. St. John's Church, Jordan. All proceeds will go to new parish hall roof. Tickets: $25 Students $20 905-562-7238 or email stjohnsjordanoffice@gmailcom
Organ concert with Peter Orme, Sept. 8 at 3 p.m. St. John's Church, Jordan. All proceeds will go to new parish hall roof. Tickets: $25 Students $20 905-562-7238 or email stjohnsjordanoffice@gmailcom
Are you a Primary Caregiver caring for an older adult and looking to connect with other caregivers? Please join us in a peer focused group to share your concerns, experiences, and knowledge and to support each other.
Looking for golfers. A 4 person scramble, with a 9 am shot gun start with 72 golfers. September 22 at Wildwood Golf. There will be 50/50 Draw, silent auction. There will be a snack on the green and lunch provided. As well as prizes for longest drive, longest drive 65+, closest to the pin plus a hole in one prize. All proceeds raised will support the camp.
November 8th and 9th
Celebrating 75 years of Alcoholics Anonymous in Cornwall
Great AA and Al-Anon speakers throughout the weekend!
Best Western Parkway
1414 Vincent Massey Drive
Registration online:
Northumberland Chorus, Sweet Adelines, is a fun group of women who have been meeting 40+ years supporting women in song. Come and be surprised how easy and fun it is. You can't know unless you come and meet us. We meet every Monday evening (not stat holidays) from 7 to 9:30 pm at Calvary Baptist Church Hall, 237 Ball Street, Cobourg. Call Cheryl for further details at (905) 376-9771. Website: https.//
Our monthly luncheon, meeting, and bingo will be held Thursday September 5th, starting at 12pm. Your old membership card will be needed to renew this year's membership of $5.00. NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME.
Bid Euchre will be held on September 12th,19th,26th. Located in the main hall. Start time 1pm. All players welcome.
Zoom Presentation.
This year marks the 190th Emancipation Day. The occasion recognizes the legal abolition of slavery in most of the British empire, including Canada, where the last remains of enslavement were nearing the end through gradual abolition. Dr. Natasha Henry-Dixon will discuss the history of the commemoration of Emancipation Day in Canada and walk through what this cultural and political tradition illuminates about Black history in Canada.
Speaker: Dr. Natasha Henry Dixon, Assistant Professor of African Canadian History at York University.