Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - EC Row Lane Reduction for Bridge Repair

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1563249600 1563335940
1563422400 1563508740

Westbound EC Row Expressway will be reduced to one lane at the Mark Avenue pedestrian bridge (west of Dominion Blvd) to allow for bridge repairs.  As part of this work, the westbound on-ramp at Dominion Boulevard will be closed to traffic.Thursday, July 18 from 9am to 3pm (weather permitting).

For more information on construction and detours Call 311, or see the City of Windsor Database and Map at

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - The (TBA) Variety Show

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1563249600 1563335940
1564200000 1564286340

Extension-Korda Summer Session presents a night you won’t forget. This next event will be full of indescribable bliss which will keep your hands a-clappin’ and your toes a-tappin’. What is this strange and wonderful event? Can we get any more vague? It’s the (TBA) VARIETY SHOW! 

Enjoy performances of songs from your favourite musicals, as well as originals works! This event will also include improv, dancing, games, feats of wonder, and just about anything we could think of! This night will be packed with surprises and shenanigans at every corner. Anything can happen…

The event is hosted by (and featuring) the talents of Jeremy BurkeNatalie CulmoneHope FormanDylan Iannicello, and Natalie Worsley. These players are ready to entertain you at their own expense. 

The (TBA) VARIETY SHOW will be performed at the KordaZone Theatre (2520 Seminole Street, Windsor, Ontario), on JULY 27TH at 8PM; doors open at 7:30PM. Tickets are $10 for general admission. Tickets can be purchased at the door.

For more information, go to or email

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - 30 Meter Buffer Imposed along Windsor Shoreline

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1563249600 1563335940
1565928000 1566014340

The Windsor Port Authority has authorized a temporary 30 day buffer zone of 30 meters for all motorized watercraft moving along the Windsor shoreline of the Detroit River.  This means no motorized watercraft can operate within 30 meters of shore unless docking. 

“Historic high water levels have forced us to take extraordinary action to prevent on-shore damage to property along our waterfront” said Windsor Mayor Drew Dilkens.  “Water levels are expected to continue to rise through August which means the situation is likely to get worse before it gets better”.

The 30 meter zone takes effect immediately.

“We are dealing with historic high waters’ crisis, not a shipping issue.  But still, by imposing a 30 meter ban we are asking all pleasure craft to be good neighbours and stay away from the shoreline property owners that are dealing with significant pressures”.

Steve Salmons, President and CEO, Windsor Port Authority

A postcard educating boaters of the 30 meter ban will be handed out at boating locations across the city and by the Windsor Police Marine Unit.  Social media and traditional media will also be counted on to help spread the word as quickly as possible.

The Windsor Police Marine Unit will be tasked with enforcing the 30 meter zone but education is the focus.

The 30 meter ban is the latest effort by the City of Windsor aimed at protecting properties from the extreme water levels.  A free sandbag program remains in place for a section of homes along the north side of Riverside Drive.

Details on the sandbag program and more can be found on

Public Notices/Announcements - North Bay - Community Yard Sale, Corbeil Four Seasons Club

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563163200 1563249540

Starting July 21st, 3rd Sunday of the month. Join us for a community yard sale. 

Looking to size down or de-clutter? Rent a table for $10.00. One's unwanted is another's treasurers. 

Make some funds for that special project or trip. Vendors are welcome!

To be held in the parking lot between 9 am and 1pm,

An all you can eat Brunch is served inside for the hall for $10.00 each. 

Join us again on August 18 and September 15, 2019



Community Event - North Bay - Christmas in July / Corbeil Four Seasons Club

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563163200 1563249540

Christmas in July, Friday July 19th. Turkey dinner with all the trimmings, $12.00 each.  Door open at 5:30 pm, dinner served at 6 pm on first come first serve basis. 

Followed by DJ Entertainment. 

Corbeil Four Seasons Club
1482 Corbeil Rd
P0H 1K0

Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Community BBQ & Yard Sale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1565438400 1565460000
1565524800 1565546400

Hamburgers, Hotdogs, pop and water for sale
No large items such as furniture
Donations for yard sale would be greatly appreciated drop off hours:
Wednesday August 7th 4-8pm
Thursday August 8th12-4pm
Friday August 9th 8-12pm
Yard Sale and BBQ: 8-2pm
Saturday August 10th and Sunday August 11th
Community BBQ & Yard
Sale hosted by Port Hope
Lions & Port Hope Legion
Branch 30
29 Thomas Street Port Hope ON L1A 3W3

Port Hope Lions Club
29 Thomas Street
L1A 3W3
Port Hope