Événement communautaire - Salaberry-de-Valleyfield - Club échec Valleyfield

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563642000 1563656400

Le Club d’échecs de Valleyfield vous invite à participer à un festival d’échecs ouvert à tous et gratuit qui aura lieu le 20 juillet, de 13 h à 17 h, au parc Salaberry. Venez vous amuser à jouer des parties amicales avec les membres du Club et entre amis. Tables et jeux fournis. Info: Robert Blanchard : 450 371-9029.

Facebook: club d’échecs Valleyfield/ www.clubdechecsvalleyfield.com

Parc Salaberry

Community Event - Niagara - Networking Event at Sue Ann Staff Winery July 17

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562731200 1562817540

Registration Required -Come out to our Business After 5 July 17th at Sue Ann Staff Winery

Have you had a chance to visit the beautiful estate of Sue Ann Staff Winery? Located on the brow of the Niagara Escarpment in Jordan, their fifth generation family owned winery offers a full range of high quality delicate and bold wines. The winery retail and tasting space is located in their elegant farm house kitchen- you'll feel like part of the family when you visit!

Learn more about their offered services and delicious selections by coming out to our Business After 5!

Registration closes July 15th at 5pm, or when we hit our maximum capacity


Sue-Ann Staff Estate Winery
3210 Staff Ave
L0R 1S0
Jordan Station

Public Notices/Announcements - Cobourg/Port Hope - Try out Night Golf at Dalewood, Friday August 23

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1566606600 1566619200

Want to try something new? Come out to Dalewood on Friday August 23rd for our Night Golf Event. Shotgun start at 8:30pm for 9 holes of golf, registration starts at 7:30pm. Over 15,000 ft of LED wire lights up the greens, bunkers and hazards so that you can play under the stars. 

Special LED Bar & BBQ will be available from 630pm-12am. 

$60 per person for 9 holes walking, an LED golf ball, flashlight & safety clip. $10 pp for a cart. 

This event sold out last year, so grab your tickets early online at Snapd Northumberland West or at the Clubhouse. 

For more info go to Dalewood.ca