Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Knobb Hill Drive Road Reconstruction

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1562558400 1562644740

Knobb Hill Drive in Amherstburg will be closed to all through traffic between Welsh Avenue and Whelan Avenue commencing July 8 to facilitate watermain installation, culvert replacement and road reconstruction. This closure is expected to last until September 2019. No through traffic will be allowed, Knobb Hill residents will be allowed access to their residences via Whelan but delays should be expected. The Town reminds residents that during construction traffic disruptions may occur and some delays may be experienced. Please slow down, obey all traffic signage and watch for Flag Persons in all construction zones.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Walnut Dr Watermain Replacement & Road Improvement

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1562558400 1562644740

Walnut Drive in Amherstburg will be closed to through traffic between Hawthorne Crescent and McCurdy Drive, commencing July 8, 2019, to facilitate watermain replacement and road improvements. This closure is expected to last until September 2019. Local traffic will be maintained and residents will be allowed access to their residences but delays should be expected. The Town reminds residents that during construction traffic disruptions may occur and some delays may be experienced. Please slow down, obey all traffic signage and watch for Flag Persons in the construction zone.