Community Event - Cobourg/Port Hope - Summer Music for Kids - Sundays in July and August

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562506200 1562515200

A free music programme of singing and chiming for children before and during Sunday morning worship at Port Hope's historic St Mark's Church.

Young people, ages 7and up, will sing and use St Mark's Choirchimes to learn a variety of music, and will participate in our worship services.

No experience necessary! A small scholarship will be paid to the children each week.

St Mark's Anglican Church
51 King St.
L1A 2R6
Port Hope

Community Event - Sarnia - St. Joseph's Hospice Presents Michelle O'Rourke

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1563490800 1563498000

St. Joseph's Hospice is celebrating the 10th anniversary of the residence with a speaker series and we are excited to present Michelle O'Rourke who will be speaking about caring for the caregiver. This talk will help caregivers to reflect not only on their challenges, but also on how caregiving itself can nourish them. Join us on July 18th from 7:00 - 9:00 pm at Central United Church for this free event. For more information or to register please contact

Central United Church
220 George St
N7T 4N9

Community Event - Belleville - CARP Coffee and Chat.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on
1562695200 1562702400

Join us for a Coffee&Chat - in the Over 50 Room at Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre-This month's speaker is from 'Hearing Life'-discussing hearing issues as we age. 

Quinte Sports and Wellness Centre
265 Cannifton Rd
K8N 4V7

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - Tecumseh Celebrates Canada Day Monday, July 1

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1559408400 1559419200

The Town of Tecumseh invites the community to celebrate Canada Day Monday, July 1 from 1pm to 4pm at Lakewood Park for the FREE annual celebration. Activities include: Live DJ Music, Jangles the Clown Balloon Twisting, Border City Barkers Dog Agility Show, Magic Show Visit from a Princess and Super Hero Bouncy Castle and Mini Golf Crafts, Lawn Games, Face Painting and a special performance by the Silver Star Riding Drill Team.

A FREE Recreational Swim will be available at the Tecumseh Leisure Pool, located in Lacasse Park, 590 Lacasse Boulevard from 1pm to 4pm. Admission is limited based upon pool capacity.

Public Notices/Announcements - Windsor/Leamington - County Road 20 Culvert Re-Construction

Submitted by rscussolin-0 on
1562040000 1562126340
1562126400 1562212740

County Road 20 will be closed between Front Road South and Concession Road 3 South to through traffic starting on Tuesday, July 2 to facilitate the removal and replacement of a road crossing culvert. This closure is expected to last approximately three days, weather permitting. Detour routes will be posted.
During this time, no access will be permitted through the construction zone. County Road 20 will remain open to local traffic only up to the road closure for eastbound and westbound motorists, but will not be permitted through the construction zone.

Ontario Power Boat Racing Association

Today’s outboard drag boat racing descends from the popular late-‘80s and early-‘90s Mod-VP circuit-racing. After the demise of Mod-VP, American and Canadian interests progressively shifted to mano a mano lake boat drag races. Locally in late-2016—after years of Drag accompanying Stock Outboard and T-boat circuit-racing classes—the Ontario Power Boat Racing Association (OPBRA) was formed to accommodate unprecedented drag participant, spectator, and sponsorship interest. So, OPBRA is old and new at the same time.

Community Event - North Bay - Culture Days - Soiree Tropicale

Submitted by jroussy on
1569556800 1569643140
1569643200 1569729540
1569729600 1569815940

Soiree Tropicale North Bay Culture Days Launch - Voyager Inn, Summit Room

Dine Dance and Cultural Feast, A taste of Culture Days Sept 27-29

Int Drum & Dance Amadou Kienou, FN Scarf & Belly Dance, plus

Eventbrite-Soiree Tropicale Culture Days $100/ea. $50 Tax rcpt

For tickets visit

Voyager Inn
123 Delaware Avenue
North Bay